Dec. 12 2019
Why are all teats dipped with a pre- and postmilking teat disinfectant? Are pre- and postmilking teat disinfectants designed the same?
Dec. 12 2019
Many scientists and animal breeders are keenly interested in directly altering a portion of an organism’s genome to incorporate specific traits
Dec. 12 2019
The U.S. House of Representatives has begun consideration of HR 5038, “The Farm Workforce Modernization Act.” It is a bill that fully addresses both immigration reform priorities for the dairy...
Nov. 21 2019
Over the years, we had problems with the garage doors in our barn not sealing tightly. We came up with a simple solution
Nov. 21 2019
Not too long ago, I had a moment where the tears came. Actually, they flowed endlessly — all I could feel was that I was simply less than enough
Nov. 18 2019
China was a far different place when the Honneur Company entered the dairy scene in 1994. At that time, the world’s most populated nation had yet to join the World Trade Organization
Nov. 15 2019
Dairy products, including milk, supply the bulk of the calcium people get in their diets, and when you replace it with plant milk, you may be missing out.” That quote came direct
Nov. 15 2019
By the mid-1990s, Wisconsin dairy producers started moving toward modernization and expansion. In the process, many longtime farmers shifted away from milking cows themselves
Nov. 15 2019
Trade, immigration, and dairy product sales garnered the lion’s share of the discussion at this year’s annual gathering of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk...
Oct. 25 2019
Most breeders have some sense that our current dairy cattle population has undergone a bottleneck due to intensive selection for yield and conformation
Oct. 17 2019
Every time a person sprays while cows are still in the parlor, bacteria are being pushed through the air and onto cows
Oct. 17 2019
There’s no doubt that inbreeding has been a topic heavy on dairy farmers’ minds as we’ve progressed through the genomic era
Oct. 17 2019
In mid-july, as families across the country endured a heat wave by cooling off while eating their favorite ice cream, a new choice hit the market . . . available only online for a staggering $20 a pint
Oct. 17 2019
I built a calf warmer from two water tanks that wouldn’t hold water anymore. I took one water tank and drilled holes in the sides to run steel piping through to create a floor base
Oct. 17 2019
It does not matter where I go — the farm is always in the back of my mind. At any given moment, I will see something in my travels and instantly the cows push their way to the front of my mind
Oct. 8 2019
To keep our calves clean, dry, and warm on harsh winter days or dry during those rainy days, I made a storm door that keeps the wet out but lets the sun in. I took a clear 4-foot by 3-fo
Oct. 8 2019
Back in the spring of 2015, my daughter, Cassie, picked out her fall show calf, Gillie. Her older brother, Tyler, had already selected his calf in the fall, one that went back to his beloved Blackstone...
Oct. 8 2019
Andrew was telling me that he now only treats around 20 percent of cows with dry cow antibiotics. He just wished that he made the move to selective dry cow treatment sooner
Oct. 8 2019
It's perhaps the greatest travesty we heard this year — a young child was whisked to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on a doctor’s referral because the toddler was in the lowest one...
Oct. 8 2019
With over 500,000 cows in the most recent U.S. Census of Agriculture, Tulare County built upon its title as the nation’s largest dairy county
Sept. 19 2019
Lyme disease has been diagnosed in every state in the U.S. except Hawaii, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Lyme disease cases are more concentrated in the Northeast and Upper Midwest