The author is the managing editor and covers animal health, dairy housing and equipment, and nutrient management. She grew up on a dairy farm near Plymouth, Wis., and previously served as a University of Wisconsin agricultural extension agent. She received a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a bachelor’s from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Aug. 31 2023
With low milk prices and rising costs for inputs, 2023 is not shaping up to be a profitable year for dairy farmers
Aug. 28 2023
In parts of the country that haven’t chopped corn for silage yet, the anticipation grows in regard to when the crop will be ready and how good the feed will be. During the August Hoard’s Dairyman...
Aug. 24 2023
The very best way to determine if your heat abatement tools are working is to ask the cows. During an Iowa State University Extension webinar, Jennifer Van Os shared signs that help evaluate the effectiveness...
Aug. 21 2023
People choose to drink plant-based beverages for a variety of reasons. If they are making that decision based on perceived health benefits, new research further supports the fact that most plant-based...
Aug. 17 2023
The days are already getting a little shorter as we enter this late summer stretch, but for many across the United States, the temperatures are showing no hint of fall
Aug. 17 2023
Just a few years ago, plant-based meats seemed to be all the rage, with restaurant chains and grocery stores rushing to create options for their customers. However, after peaking in 2020, sales of plant-based...
Aug. 14 2023
When administering animal medications or reproductive hormones as part of a synchronization protocol, product placement is very important
Aug. 10 2023
A baker’s dozen of counties produced one-fourth of the nation’s federal order milk that was marketed last year. Those are the same 13 counties that led this list in 2021 as well
Aug. 7 2023
The margin over feed costs calculated by USDA for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program fell to a record low in June
Aug. 3 2023
Not all that long ago, meat was not a major component in the Chinese diet. It wasn’t until the 1980s when meat production and consumption in the Asian country began to soar
July 31 2023
There are so many decisions to be made on a farm. While some require quick, on-your-feet thinking, other decisions are best made after a careful review of the situation and hopefully with some data to...
July 27 2023
In cattle rations, vitamins play an important role in cattle health, production, reproduction, and more
July 24 2023
The process to amend the pricing formulas in the 11 Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) continues to move forward
July 20 2023
“Vitamins are not that difficult compared to everything else you have to do to get a good diet, but they still deserve some thought,” said Bill Weiss during the July Hoard’s Dairyman...
July 17 2023
People who purchase calves from other farms to raise put a lot of trust in the source farm. The care those calves receive before and immediately after birth can make a big difference in how successful...
July 13 2023
It unfortunately doesn’t take much for a bright and bouncy dairy calf to become sick. Early intervention can often turn the calf back around, but even a simple illness may leave a lasting impact
July 10 2023
It is very easy to stay more than busy with the day-to-day operations of a dairy farm
July 6 2023
Electrolytes are often just the ticket calves need to get through a bout of diarrhea. Veterinarian Amelia Woolums recommends administering electrolytes as soon as diarrhea is identified to prevent dehydration,...
July 3 2023
It doesn’t take long for a dairy calf to go from healthy to unwell when faced with a bout of diarrhea
June 29 2023
A smoky haze filled the sky around our Hoard’s Dairyman Farm several days this week, and poor air quality alerts have become somewhat the norm this summer