The author is the managing editor and covers animal health, dairy housing and equipment, and nutrient management. She grew up on a dairy farm near Plymouth, Wis., and previously served as a University of Wisconsin agricultural extension agent. She received a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a bachelor’s from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Feb. 27 2023
Calves are born into a world filled with bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause illness or even death in these young animals. For protection, the body develops an immune system
Feb. 23 2023
The benefits of adequate resting time include less stress, more milk production, less lameness, and greater longevity
Feb. 20 2023
Sometimes people wish there were more hours in a day to complete the responsibilities at hand, and dairy cows may feel the same way. Rick Grant of the Miner Institute recommends that farmers think abo
Feb. 16 2023
Farms of all shapes and sizes are taking unique steps to be more environmentally friendly. Some of these actions are just part of normal, everyday operations. The fact that cows can turn food humans c
Feb. 13 2023
No case of mastitis is good, but some causes of infection are easier to control than others. Unfortunately, one particularly difficult type of mastitis is affecting a growing number of dairy herds.“
Feb. 9 2023
When talking about sustainability in the dairy industry, conversations often involve what can be done on farms to manage manure, enhance crop and animal productivity, reduce emissions
Feb. 6 2023
Dairy farmers that transition to robotic milking systems often comment on the different style of management it takes to care for cows in this type of barn
Feb. 3 2023
As dairy producers, we are also beef producers, since culled dairy cattle are one piece of the livestock and meat sector
Jan. 30 2023
Dairy Business Association’s Dairy Strong conference encouraged audience members to run for political office
Jan. 30 2023
One element of farm profitability is generating more revenue from the possessions you already own
Jan. 26 2023
When it comes to the nation’s milk output, the number of dairy cows and milk production per cow are two key factors. University of Wisconsin’s Mark Stephenson reviewed where these numbers went...
Jan. 23 2023
Many factors play a role in determining milk prices, and one of them is the global dairy market. The good news for U.S. dairy is that worldwide demand for our products continues to grow. In 2022, 18%
Jan. 19 2023
People working on farms come face to face with potential safety and health hazards daily. While certain risks come with this occupation, many dangers can be avoided, explained veterinarian Dee Ellis d
Jan. 16 2023
Despite the oddities that 2021 brought, with the continuing pandemic and beginnings of rising inflation, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mark Stephenson said it was still a good year for domestic
Jan. 12 2023
Many stories about California agriculture center around a lack of water, but that is not the case this week. The Golden State is being hammered by an intense storm that brought high winds, torrential
Jan. 9 2023
Many tasks on a dairy farm need to happen the same way, every day. From milking cows to feeding calves to mixing rations, many farms have protocols in place to ensure these processes happen consistent
Jan. 5 2023
After Bucky Henschel joined his parents, Jeff and Diana, on their dairy near Manawa, Wis., the family started looking at the opportunity to transition to robotic milking. They toured many farms before
Jan. 4 2023
A new year has begun, and the days are getting longer again. With mild temperatures in the Midwest this week, it almost feels like the start of spring
Jan. 2 2023
Each farm seems to have its own sweet spot when it comes to the number of cows they house per group. While some dairies can overcrowd successfully, others struggle to maintain individual cow performan
Dec. 29 2022
As the dairy industry closes the book on 2022, there were chapters that featured high milk prices, greater expenses, supply shortages, extreme weather conditions, growing dairy demand, global impacts