The author is the managing editor and covers animal health, dairy housing and equipment, and nutrient management. She grew up on a dairy farm near Plymouth, Wis., and previously served as a University of Wisconsin agricultural extension agent. She received a master’s degree from North Carolina State University and a bachelor’s from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
June 26 2023
As humans, we find companionship with animals. This comes in the form of pets in our homes, wildlife we observe, and the livestock we work with on farms
June 22 2023
The calendar says it is officially summer, and temperatures in many parts of the country are heating up
June 19 2023
During the June Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, speaker Lily Edwards-Callaway started her presentation by sharing a well-known message written by our company’s founder, W.D. Hoard
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June 16 2023
Continuing education comes in many forms. Some students looking to pursue post-high school training in dairy production choose a technical college degree
June 15 2023
While alternative beverages seem to get more positive press coverage these days than fluid milk sales, dairy team members from two grocery chains acknowledged that milk remains as the major player
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June 12 2023
While data points indicate that the climate is changing, we don’t know exactly what that means for agricultural production
June 8 2023
On a trip to Michigan last week, a common theme among the conversations we had with farmers was the need for rain
June 5 2023
Many farms have protocols written to help keep cows healthy
June 1 2023
While calf starter is a component of the preweaned dairy animal’s diet, the majority of nutrients needed for growth during this first stage of life come from milk or milk replacer
May 29 2023
An outbreak of salmonella can be costly to a farm in many ways
May 25 2023
Warm, wet weather creates an environment where salmonella-causing bacteria thrive
May 24 2023
Stress is part of life, and in some ways, it can motivate us to do better and be better
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May 19 2023
Possibly the biggest thief of resting time for dairy cows is waiting to be milked
May 18 2023
Automated milking systems are a substantial investment, but in return, many benefits can be gained from this style of dairy herd management
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May 15 2023
Benefits of robotic milking systems often include lower labor needs, calmer cows, and greater milking frequency and yield
May 12 2023
I know they are a weed, but I still think dandelions are pretty
May 11 2023
“Technology is coming for us, whether we like it or not,” said Steph Plaster, a University of Wisconsin Division of Extension farm management outreach specialist, during a “Setting your...
May 8 2023
During my time working as a county-based extension educator, one of the questions I was asked most often was the going rate for custom work
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May 4 2023
Dairy cattle need four sound feet to complete many of their daily tasks
April 27 2023
The footbaths in their transition cow barn are a critical component of hoof health at Deluur Dairy near Deckerville, Mich