The author is a past managing editor. His degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison combined dairy science and agricultural economics.
Feb. 14 2018
Even at a very early age, Bert Stewart was a consummate student — he studied those who did well at their trade
Feb. 12 2018
Replacement heifer prices have dropped $310 each over the past two years
Feb. 12 2018
A legal battle over the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) use of administrative law judges in adjudicatory or enforcement actions during civil proceedings has called into question how administrative...
Feb. 8 2018
EVEN THOUGH NEW ZEALAND MILK FLOW FELL 2 percent due to an extended drought, Europe’s high stocks of skim milk powder have been weighing down worldwide milk protein prices
Feb. 5 2018
Those in dairy circles know the many positive attributes found in milk and dairy products
Feb. 5 2018
As farm gate milk prices remain below the cost of production for the vast majority of U.S. dairy farmers, dairy replacements waiting to join the milking herd continue to be at historic highs
Jan. 22 2018
CLASS III FUTURES FELL NEARLY $3 per cwt. over the past six months. In August 2017, February to July 2018 contracts averaged $16.70 on the CME. In early January, that same portfolio traded at $13.90
Jan. 22 2018
While GMO (genetically modified organism) feeds continue to garner attention from some food retailers and consumers, there are a number of other common dairy farm practices that have gained some attention
Jan. 22 2018
“How many people work for U.S. dairy in Japan?” asked Tom Vilsack, who is now CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council
Jan. 15 2018
In recent years, dairy exports have become a larger contributor to milk checks for U.S. dairy farmers
Jan. 15 2018
That’s the longest running national tourism slogan, according to research by the author of the Banyan column in the widely circulated The Economist magazine based out of Great Britain
Jan. 10 2018
As printed in our January 10, 2018 issue . . .THE 2018 ALL-MILK PRICE COULD AVERAGE $16.50 per cwt., down $1.15 from 2017 and only 20 cents better than 2016, predicted NMPF’s Peter Vitaliano in his
Jan. 8 2018
While all farms strive to produce quality milk, it appears that mid-sized to larger farms do a better job achieving that goal.
Jan. 8 2018
“We need to get out ahead of poor marketers by reshaping the discussion about our dairy brand,” explained the consumer-minded Mike McCloskey (shown second from right), CEO of Select Milk Co-op
Jan. 1 2018
“Every cow receives prostaglandin at 10 days in milk (DIM) to help clean up the uterus,” explained Jeff McNeely of his farm’s prebreeding protocols and presynchronization program
Dec. 26 2017
“Team JZB . . . our “in-house” team breeds cows at Jer-Z-Boys Ranch,” commented Gary de Graaf when responding to the question “Who breeds cows on your farm?”
Dec. 26 2017
“Nearly 1 million people are employed in the United States directly because of dairy,” said former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack
Dec. 18 2017
“I walk the pens three times a day, after morning chores, noon, and after night chores,” said Jeff McNeely of his commitment to his family’s dairy herd
Dec. 18 2017
Partnerships with major restaurant chains have helped to drive new dairy product sales in the U.S
Dec. 12 2017
CLASS III FUTURES FELL 65 CENTS from November to early December trading on the CME to settle at a $14.75 average. January to June 2018 Class III contracts ranged from $14.40 to $15.30