When was the last time you gave any thought to how much milk might be in your bulk tank? There’s a program sponsored by the Northeast Federal Milk Marketing Order that definitively answers...
From 2010 to 2016, three states accounted for 44 percent of growth in U.S. milk production. Three guesses as to the names of those three states? Hint: Think very traditional dairy areas
As printed in our June 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES CLIMBED 15 CENTS during early April to late May trading to average $16.90 per cwt. for the remainder of 2017
Starting this July, federal and state regulators will start a new pilot program to test bulk milk tank trucks for tetracycline and its entire family of antibiotics
For the fourth time in the current milk season, Fonterra Cooperative leaders raised milk prices for its dairy farmers. Of course that milk season began in August
It’s been a little over a month since news broke about one Wisconsin dairy processor shedding dozens of dairy farm patrons due to lost markets north of the border
“We can solve global lameness by preventing three hoof lesions,” Nigel Cook explained to those attending the 13th Western Dairy Management Conference held in Reno, Nev
“If my death loss in cows is above 3 percent, I should know why those deaths are taking place,” stated Frank Garry, a veterinarian from Colorado State University
As printed in our April 25, 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES SHOWED IMPROVEMENT, climbing by 30 cents from late-April to mid-May trading. At a $16.45 average for the remainder of the year, September�
THE DAIRY TRADE DISPUTE between the U.S. and Canada continues to garner national and international headlines with New Zealand and Australia now joining the U.S. in challenging Canada’s new tar
California is indeed the breadbasket, or perhaps the cornucopia, to the world. Consider this: An impressive 57 agricultural products from the state were given individual listing on a sub-list with $18
If there is ever a time that cows experience more stress, it’s during the transition period. That’s the time just before, during, and after a cow has a calf
As printed in our April 25, 2017 issue . . .SOME U.S. PROCESSORS SHED PATRONS after Canadian authorities shut down market access to ultra-filtered milk sales. According to a February 24, 2017, B
As editors, we cover a wide breadth of unique events. Not only covering, but being part of the “Rural Life Days” with the Most Reverend David Ricken, bishop of the Green Bay Catholic Diocese
“We will focus on the three R’s to grow U.S dairy export sales,” said Tom Vilsack about his new role as president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council