Several years ago, I found out that I am allergic to cow dander. It is not an intense allergy but rather a nuisance that includes itchy eyes, sneezing, a stuffy nose, and a lot of clearing my throat
Mixed movements took place in U.S. prices this past week, while EU prices were mostly weaker. News reports suggest the U.S. is close to an agreement with Canada and Mexico on steel imports
You might be using tail paint, also known as tail chalk, in your breeding program for several reasons. “It’s cheap.” “It’s what my neighbors do.” Or maybe,...
We need everyone to think about moving dairy forward. With that in mind, I invite you to share your ideas and discuss insights at The Dairy Experience, co-hosted by Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and Midwest...
John F. Kennedy once said, “Don’t pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” I often think of these words when I pray before bed. I ask for the strength to endure what lies ahead....
Last week, I was in one of our manufacturing plants changing a line over and one of the men, who was very much my senior, mentioned as he worked next to me that I was “tough.”
Countless statistics help quantify the U.S. dairy sector. But if one map could most clearly depict the U.S. dairy industry, it’s this one, which compares each state’s milk production to its...
It doesn't really feel like spring has truly arrived yet. Here in the Northwest, we just enjoyed one of the wettest weeks of weather in a long time while the Midwest and East dealt with yet another dose...
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
There is something about working together on a farm that helps families get along, work through differences, and respect each other at the end of the day, even when life goes a little sideways
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 8.0px; font: 7.0px 'ITC Franklin Gothic'} Managing mastitis cases based on the causative pathogen can be of economic...
Have you ever seen the movie The Invention of Lying? It takes place in an alternate universe where people don’t know what lying is until one man invents it
The transition period qualifies as one of the most stressful periods of a dairy cow’s life, and it’s certainly the goal and responsibility of producers to reduce that stress
Last week, I officially shed the winter coat and put it away. I’m not talking away, away because I’ve now lived in Wisconsin long enough to understand that sometimes April will pretend to be...