The balance sheet is a portrait of the financial condition of the farm. After a period of low milk prices, the balance sheet now tells a story of how the farm weathered the storm
I do not care if a farmer has one cow or 10,000 cows; cows are loved, appreciated, and admired. Dairy farmers far and wide have a deep respect for the animals in their barn
In dairy’s labor availability crisis, many farms have focused on doing a great job of training whether they are hiring someone with limited or extensive experience
We have been milking with robots for three months now. The months of construction as well as the retraining of cows were both stressful and labor intensive
We have all seen the local foods movement continue to expand. Customers looking for foods produced in their region have even been paying more to know where that food was grown
On many dairies, the milking equipment is the hardest working but often the most neglected equipment. Even most old farm trucks get the oil changed on a regular basis, but for some reason we think that...
In life’s priority list, it can be easy to get wrapped up in what society says we should be doing. Jump on any social network and you can see a ton of advice
Marilyn Hershey This month, my parents celebrate 60 years of marriage. They have spent twice as many years together as they have apart. I have wonderful memories growing up on our Pennsylvan
One of the most challenging roles of the feeding team is to track and account for feed as it goes through the feeding center and into the bunk. In order to do this, it’s important to test, track,...
Everything on a dairy farm begins with a calf. For that reason, in this article we will explore cow-calf research that was presented at the International Society of Applied Ethology (ISA
A new year, a new decade, and a new start. I think I’m not alone when I say, “Bring on 2020!” 2019 was a year that had more downturns than upswings and more challenges than answers
"We talk a lot about what the future might look like for our industry. We, as dairymen, have figured out that keeping cow comfort as a priority is paramount to getting cows safe in calf,” explained...