As a result of an unprecedented study, we know the carbon footprint required to produce one gallon of milk. Action plans are being developed to improve it. Prior to this decade, the words cows and carbon...
Member milk production among the top 50 co-ops remained fairly stable from 2008 to 2009, increasing a mere 22 million pounds from 150.669 billion to 150.721 billion. The top 50 cooperatives essentially...
In my elementary school years, one of my favorite days each year was our small parochial school's track meet held every spring. Besides the fun I had spending the day outside with classmates, I always...
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Pullman, Washington Key Dairy Activities: 1. Cougar Youth Weekend 2. Dairy Olympics 3. Cooperative University Dairy Students management of their dairy Student Statistics: Dairy...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA- TWIN CITIES Saint Paul, Minnesota Key Dairy Activities: 1. Dairy showmanship competition during Minnesota Royal 2. Gopher dairy camp for Jr. high students 3. Gopher dairy bar during...
UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy Option: Yes Percent going to vet school: First year 80% Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 5%...
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Brookings, South Dakota Key Dairy Activities: 1. Dairy Camp for K-12 students 2. Dairy cattle sale 3. Cheese box sale Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: Yes Dairy Option:...
PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY University Park, Pennsylvania Key Dairy Activities: 1. Nittany Lion Fall Classic 2. Spring Trip 3. Penn State Dairy Expo Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy...
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Corvallis, Oregon Key Dairy Activities: 1. Beaver Classic sale 2. Host FFA state dairy judging contest 3. Students run campus creamery Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No...
THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Columbus, Ohio Key Dairy Activities: 1. Buckeye Royal 2. Milkshakes at Farm Science Review 3. Buckeye Classic Cattle Sale Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy Option:...
NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Fargo, North Dakota Key Dairy Activities: 1. Little International 2. Dairy Judging 3. Bison Dairy Club Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy Option: No # Students...
NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Raleigh, North Carolina Key Dairy Activities: 1. Farm Animal Days 2. Animal Science "Club Day" Livestock Show 3. Food Animal Scholars Program Student Statistics: Dairy Science...
MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY Mississippi State, Mississippi Key Dairy Activities: 1. Hosted 2013 Regional ADSA-SAD conference 2. Dairy Science Club competes in Open Dairy Show at Mississippi State Fair...
LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Baton Rouge, Louisiana Key Dairy Activities: 1. Annual Ag Center State Livestock and Dairy Show 2. State 4-H Judging Contest Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy...
KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Manhattan, Kansas Key Dairy Activities: 1. Adopt-A-Cow 2. KSU Open House 3. Little American Royal Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy Option: No # Dairy Science Students:...