Dec. 15 2010
Why feeding strategy is so important There seem to be clear benefits to feeding for fewer refusals. The key is consistent intakes. by Bill Stone, D.V.M. The author is a dairy veterinarian and nutritionist...
Dec. 15 2010
Little details make all the difference in baleage. Making bale silage is a combination of science and art. Mastering the details will lead to the best possible forage. A good tight bale of hay silage with...
Dec. 14 2010
Winter is here. . . and so is the cold and snow that can be harmful to those of us who work outdoors with livestock. "Bundle up, dress in layers, put on your hat" are familiar sounds to many children who...
Dec. 13 2010
What's a fair price for standing hay? Many factors must be considered including forage quality and yields, stand life, nutrient costs, and who is doing the work. A written contract can tie it all together....
Dec. 13 2010
The Koster tester, microwave, and lab have all been good options to determine dry matters. The food dehydrator might top the list when you factor in ease and consistency of test results. We were able to...
Dec. 3 2010
An $860,000 donation from a husband and wife has created a new Dairy Center and dairy professorship in the Food Science and Technology Department at Oregon State University. The Paul G. and Sandra A. Arbuthnot...
Nov. 26 2010
Making milk in the nation's largest dairy state is expensive, and part of the reason why are workers' compensation insurance rates that are among the highest in the U.S. According to the 2010 survey of...
Nov. 19 2010
Once upon a time, all cows were milked by hand and the job got done just fine. Then one day technology brought a new tool for dairy producers to consider: milking machines. The evolution of technology...
Nov. 15 2010
Staying ahead of crypto. It's common, tough to treat, and can spread to feeders. That "ounce of prevention" is your best bet. There are products that can be added to milk or replacer that will help control...
Nov. 8 2010
Even though it was the smallest cow class of the day, Judge Hank Van Exel and Associate Judge Tom McCauley spent more time deliberating the top end of the extremely competitive Jersey 5-year-old class...
Nov. 8 2010
Anchored by high individuals in both contests, the University of Minnesota and Minnesota 4-H won their respective contests by 23 and 32 points respectively at the North American International Livestock...
Nov. 4 2010
Biggest change, of course, will be in the House, where the Republicans easily gained control. It looks as if the GOP could gain as many as 50 to 60 seats in the lower chamber when all the dust settles....
Nov. 1 2010
Farm tours available upon request, but please call ahead to schedule a tour. No self guided tours available.Tours are offered Monday to Friday based on staff availability
Oct. 25 2010
Here's a look at what it is and why it's important to us. This article is part of a series being prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Antimicrobial resistance...
Oct. 25 2010
This may not be the case at all universities, but we suspect the trend is occurring at other institutions of higher learning. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, data from Chancellor Biddy Martin's...
Oct. 15 2010
MORRISVILLE STATE COLLEGE Morrisville, New York Key Dairy Activities: 1. Morrisville Dairy Club (88 active members in 2010/11) a. Morrisville College Autumn Review Sale b....
Whole Milk Powders.jpg
Oct. 8 2010
Recession still handcuffs the U.S. economy as a whole (what is the National Bureau of Economic Research thinking?), but a semi-boom has been underway all year in global demand for dairy products. Thanks...
Sept. 27 2010
For the second year in a row, the team from Maryland took home the prestigious First Place trophy for the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. Team members included Kaitlyn Corbett, Hannah Hood, Jessica...