Dec. 26 2011
Fresh less then a month, both calved before their 13th birthday. In late December, the American Guernsey Association stopped by the Hoard's Dairyman farm to conduct an appraisal of all cows that had calved...
Nov. 21 2011
Hilmar Cheese recently was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Corporate Communications category by the Central Valley (California) Public Relations Organization. The 50-foot-long exhibit at the plant's...
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Nov. 7 2011
As a dairy-judging contestant, if someone would tell you that you would only lose 5 points out of 500 on 10 contest classes, you would have to like your chances of winning the contest. Such was the case...
Oct. 20 2011
Nearly all the growth in September milk production once again came from the Western dairy states which all posted positive gains as they did in August. Leading the pack was Texas reporting a 10.1 percent...
Oct. 19 2011
If you're like me, you grew up watching the Miss USA pageant on TV just because it seemed like an important thing to do. In recent years, it seems to have become less and less important to Americans, and...
Oct. 2 2011
It's fall and that means World Dairy Expo! Exhibitors are on the grounds preparing for the show – setting-up displays, shaking straw, and hanging signs. Cattle, too, are settling into their new homes...
Sept. 25 2011
"I want you to consult with us, and insult us when needed!" A new client made that statement to me many years ago
Sept. 19 2011
"For many corn growers, the 2011 growing season came to an end late last week over much of northern Wisconsin," notes University of Wisconsin's corn specialist, Joe Lauer. "Corn in many areas had not...
Aug. 27 2011
Although it may not seem like it, application season is right around the corner. Preparing well can land you your dream internship. The start of the school year isn't far away (if it hasn't begun already),...
Aug. 8 2011
The National Dairy Quality Awards strive to recognize the best in quality milk production. Do you know a dairy producer who deserves to be recognized for outstanding milk quality? Now in its 18th year,...
July 19 2011
Volunteers are a special gift to many organizations and clubs – especially youth organizations. Not all parents have the time to be a soccer coach, club scout leaders or Sunday school teacher. Parents...
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June 30 2011
New Zealand has followed a similar economic trend to its biggest customer, supplier, and investor, Australia, and it hasn't been pretty. But New Zealand is now beginning to mimic Australia's resource-driven...
June 22 2011
We've talked about it before (see our blog, Wars we wage in dairy and agriculture and our editorial from the June 2011 issue, Keep chocolate milk in schools), but, like heat in the summer, the issue of...
June 21 2011
Every day a milk truck comes to Shoestring Dairy. We exchange our normal "G'day Mate," then the friendly man hooks up the hose and pumps our cows' hard work from our tank into the truck. He prints off...
June 15 2011
Sulfur and potassium deficiency could be reducing alfalfa yields. The survey reported in this article was funded by the Midwest Forage Association
June 10 2011
Harvest decisions dictate alfalfa's value, fate. Mahanna is with Pioneer, a DuPont Business, and is an adjunct professor at Iowa State University. Site selection, good soil fertility, and a forgiving growing...
June 9 2011
Our well-respected dairy products got special recognition when the USDA released its new, MyPlate nutrition education tool. The MyPlate program replaces the Food Pyramid which had been the government's...