Calves housed in groups will eat according to their daily pattern. Producers have options for ad libitum, or free access feeding, as shared by the July 2013 William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute...
Review these ten decisions to determine if you can find additional income or reduce expenses on your farm or with your clients. Be a detective and make long-term economic decisions
Review these ten decisions to determine if you can find additional income or reduce expenses on your farm or with your clients. Be a detective and make long-term economic decisions. When profit margins...
There are opportunities to develop a more export-focused market, but planning is required. In 2009, the U.S. began to truly enter the arena of global dairy marketing. Since this time, an ever-growing share...
Representatives from 15 different countries got a taste of Midwest agriculture. South Korea • Sri Lanka • Brazil • Saudi Arabia • Cuba • Swaziland • Bangladesh • Liberia...
Across the four monitored milk-marketing orders, a 5.9 percent drop in somatic cell count was achieved. U.S. dairy producers continued to make strides toward lowering bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC)...
High feed costs force heavier culling. Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, LLP prepare accounting records for dairy operations in seven western states – Washington, Oregon, California...
Hoard's Dairyman first launched an internship program in 1989, and it has remained a solid part of our editorial coverage for the past 25 years. This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Hoard's Dairyman...
4-H clubs work to educate the public about the dairy industry. Known for its delicious custard, Culver's in Johnson Creek, Wis., celebrated June is Dairy Month with its 1st Annual Culver's and Cows Event...
In moving beyond the current government-sponsored dairy safety net, margin risk insurance would consider milk prices and feed costs. That combination would offer the greatest assistance when producers...
Authorization is included in House Ag Committee's draft of 2013 Farm Bill. The emotional and growing revolt by California milk producers against what they say is their state's inadequate and unresponsive...
Cows will sacrifice feeding time in order to lie down when both resources are limited. There are a variety of reasons that can lead to overstocking in our freestalls. While it may be a short-term solution,...
Mastitis has severe economic consequences costing, on average, $200 or more per case. The disease also impairs cattle well being. While prevention is preferred, there are a number of technologies that...
Ev Thomas of the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute shared his experience with growing forages, especially alfalfa, on the March 11 Hoard's Dairyman webinar, "ABCs of alfalfa harvest."
If we use a multi-prong approach to better hoof health - much like our udder health plans - we can see less disease and lameness, paired with more milk. by Gerard Cramer, D.V.M. The author is owner of...
If we use a multi-prong approach to better hoof health - much like our udder health plans - we can see less disease and lameness, paired with more milk. Your nutritionist isn't to blame for your hoof health...
For over half a century, the concept of healthy eating has become synonymous with avoiding fat, especially saturated fats, noted Adam Lock, Michigan State University, at the Southwest Nutrition and Management...
Milk Income Loss Contracts (MILC) were automatically extended through September 30, 2013, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. There is no need for producers to re-enroll in MILC
Agriculture's attention turns to Tulare, California, next week for the 46th annual World Ag Expo. The largest farm equipment and technology show in the world is expected to attract over 100,000 visitors...