Fines totaled nearly $63 million. The remaining 22 countries were all under quota limits. by Corey Geiger, Hoard's Dairyman Managing Editor Since the 1980s, Europe has operated with a quota system to address...
Cross your fingers; continued profitability may be in the cards for dairy producers in 2014. At an outlook conference in Twin Falls, Idaho, last week, Daily Dairy Report editor Mary Ledman (seen here)...
Bacteria are among the oldest living organisms on the planet in part because of their incredible ability to adapt and survive a wide array of harsh conditions. So, it is no wonder that bacteria have been...
Global demand for dairy products remains strong. As a result, international factors are playing a larger role in determining milk prices. But farm-level profits - or losses - are still a local matter
I read your Hoard's Dairyman Intel item on the upcoming farm bill which is unlikely to ever see the light of day given the state of affairs in the House. The portion of the article, "The $36 billion food...
Crowdfunding. It's an established evolution in the fund-raising world that takes your proposed business plan well beyond the geographical bounds of your community. And like many technological advents,...
Dairy producers were the original sustainability leaders, said Roberta Osborne of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy during her presentation at World Dairy Expo last week. For years, agriculturalists...
Milk quota for the 27 countries in the European Union will expire on March 31, 2015. How that will affect Europe's dairy industry was the focus of a session during the annual congress of the European Federation...
After the first day of World Dairy Expo, the 2013 Ayrshire champions have been determined. With the assistance of associate judge, Keith Topp, Botkins, Ohio, Ayrshire judge Paul Trapp of Taylor, Wis.,...
Geographic neighbors pack a one-two punch. One point. That's all it takes. And last night, at the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, that's all it took for first-place Maryland to best their neighbors...
Farm hosts judging teams on Sunday morning. While the grounds in Madison, Wis., do not officially open until Tuesday to kick off World Dairy Expo, farms in southeast Wisconsin welcomed hundreds of dairy...
Study shows that children are detached from the agri-food production cycle. Fewer Americans understand where food originates, how it's produced or how purchasing decisions affect the entire agri-food system....
Ensure chemical safety on your dairy. Employers have a duty to keep their employees safe. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) promotes employee safety through The Hazard Communication...
Syria. The continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded after September 30. The federal debt-limit ceiling. Immigration . . . and oh, then there's the farm bill. One could change the priority...
Iowa State Ames, Iowa Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: Yes # Dairy Science Students: 75 Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 95% Percent going back to home farm: 20% Average salary:$38,000...
The nearly nationwide drought in 2012 alone cost the U.S. economy $30 billion, according to recent estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Dairy producers bore the drought's...
As Hoard's Dairyman dives deeper into the digital world, farms continue to head in that direction as well. As reported by the USDA, 70 percent of farms now have access to a computer and 68 percent own...
Your one stop shop for dairy planning! From the planning and development process to various housing options, this book contains tables, charts, figures and measurements to customize your dairy housing...
A smart - and attainable - goal is 200,000. The list of reasons why dairies should constantly work to lower their herd somatic cell count (SCC) is both long and old. Reasons that were good decades ago...
By getting to know the parts of a calf's respiratory "engine," farms are better equipped to troubleshoot breakdowns in defense. "It's tough to fix an engine until you know how it works. The same is true...