Oct. 2 2012
All four Penn State team members earn All-American Honors. Dustin Gates, Rebecca Shaw, Ariel Taxdal, Isaac Haagen and coach Dale Olver The Penn State Dairy Cattle Judging team entered the National Collegiate...
Sept. 26 2012
On the farm, the need for a smartphone depends on the user. But I could make the case that each farm could have one if they wanted. Your extra costs are about $100 initially (over two years) for the phone,...
Sept. 25 2012
We know that dairy cows and rumen microbes do not have an actual starch requirement. Rather, rumen microbes require adequate fermentable carbohydrates (starch, sugars, soluble fiber and digestible fiber)...
Sept. 10 2012
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives September 10, 2012: "Take your management to a higher level" presented by Gordie Jones, D.V.M. Jones shared strategies to identify and remove bottlenecks from your dairy
Sept. 10 2012
This summer, I had the honor and privilege of working as the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. This opportunity not only gave me a chance to improve my writing and editing skills
Sept. 6 2012
Setting a standard of excellence Not even a blizzard could keep the trailers away from the aptly named Four Winds Farm in Hartland, Wis., on March 26, 2011. The hundreds of plaques and banners decorating...
Aug. 25 2012
With few exceptions, price trends have been in synch. by Calvin Covington The author is a consultant and retired Dairy Cooperative CEO. Common questions I received from dairy farmers over the years include:...
Aug. 24 2012
Last year was a banner year for U.S. dairy product exports, which accounted for a record 13.3 percent of all milk production in the country on a total solids basis. That's roughly 26 billion pounds of...
Aug. 10 2012
In the past two months, our editorial travels have taken us through the heart of the Corn Belt. Our personal observations match USDA's recent assessment which indicates our nation's corn crop is in critical...
July 16 2012
A broken piece of equipment, a visit from a neighbor, or simply losing track of time while completing a single task can wreak havoc on your to-do list. Some days we leave the barn with what seems like...
June 12 2012
We posted a photo yesterday on our Hoard's Dairyman Facebook page of a well-dressed young man standing at the end of his dairy barn with rose petals sprinkled down the alley. We thought it was a unique...
June 7 2012
An updated rendition of the Foster Mother's of the Human Race painting by Bonnie Mohr graced the cover of the June 2010 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
May 28 2012
Consider writing a standard operating procedure to ensure tasks are completed uniformly on your operation. The workforce on a modern dairy farm is both multigenerational and multicultural. Without training,...
May 23 2012
Betty Thompson felt like she had the odds stacked against her when she ran for Miss America. "I was the little farm girl with a milk dud platform that wasn't tall enough to win," she said. But, this Oklahoma...
May 17 2012
You shred bills, rarely give out credit card information, and have an anti-virus program installed on your computer. Your smartphone, though, can communicate more than you would like. If a smartphone is...
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May 14 2012
South Dakota State University student becomes the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. For the past 24 years, the Hoard's Dairyman editorial team has looked forward to welcoming our editorial intern...
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May 10 2012
"Many retailers understand the science behind food production practices, but their customers do not," noted Charlie Arnot with the Center for Food Integrity (CFI), at the 2012 North American Strategy Conference...