Aug. 17 2010
CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY San Luis Obispo, California Key Dairy Activities: 1. State FFA Field Day 2. Jr. Holstein Association Cow Camp 3. Producer Symposium Student Statistics: Dairy Science...
Aug. 9 2010
August 10, 2010 Handy Hint Brush-moving attachment For trimming and hauling brush, this device, which fits on my skid steer, is by far the best labor- saving item I have ever constructed. It could be almost...
July 30 2010
Away at college, working on a master's degree, many of my daughter's calls and e-mails now include personal insights into the financial "joy" of being a grown-up. "One day you'll appreciate the starving...
July 28 2010
A couple tablespoons of bleach and stainless steel water troughs could be your next arsenal in the fight against Johne's disease. That's the conclusion from Kim Cook, a USDA Agricultural Research Service...
July 22 2010
Wisconsin agriculture lost a dedicated leader and advocate on Wednesday, July 21, when Rod Nilsestuen, the state's ag secretary, passed away unexpectedly. Nilsestuen drowned in Lake Superior while in Marquette,...
July 20 2010
Por Mike Hutjens. Fisiología de la vaca lechera; optimizando la ingestión de materia seca; alimentación y el ciclo gestación-lactancia; formulación de raqciones; comprando...
July 13 2010
Research shows that eating breakfast is one of the best ways to fuel both the body and mind. Students who eat breakfast also perform better in school. General Mills Foodservice has committed $100,000 to...
June 30 2010
Bloomington, Minn., is the site of this year's National Holstein Convention. Excellent weather welcomed Holstein breeders and juniors from across the country. Sunday's host day tours featured visits to...
June 25 2010
Testimony at the third of five USDA-Department of Justice workshops kicked off Friday morning, June 25, in Madison, Wis. These workshops are designed to investigate competition and regulatory issues within...
June 18 2010
Because it's the biggest agricultural state in the U.S. and a frequent trendsetter on political and social issue, farmers across the country may want to keep their eyes on an agricultural overtime pay...
June 1 2010
According to current USDA estimates, 80 cents of every food dollar spent in the United States goes to off farm costs, including marketing, processing, wholesaling, and distribution. This leaves a mere...
May 25 2010
How a bulk tank is made We visited a plant to learn how a bulk tank is made. "How a bulk tank is made" was the Young Dairyman article in the May 25, 2010 issue on page 392
May 25 2010
We visited a plant to learn how a bulk tank is made. "How a bulk tank is made" was the Young Dairyman article in the May 25, 2010 issue on page 392
May 18 2010
Premium Option: For US subscribers only. You will receive the printed copy in the mail and online access
May 18 2010
Think back to those wonder-filled days of childhood - the days when a walk around your family's farm was filled with shock and awe of everything you stumbled upon. That large, shiny stainless steel tank...
May 18 2010
A three day pass to view the 20 years of archived Hoard's Dairyman issues. Great for research or gathering information on a featured topic. New online subscribers will receive an email with login details
May 18 2010
For all non-US subscribers. Access to 16 years of Hoard's Dairyman issues electronically. Early online access to the issue and no lost issues or international postal delays