The Farmers Assuring Responsible Management Environmental Stewardship Program (FARM ES) is collaborating with the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy to integrate a new, process-based model for greenhouse...
Farmers are well aware of the challenges that come with various strains of salmonella, but handling an outbreak of sick animals can still be difficult. What can be done when Salmonella Dublin (S. Dublin)...
Understanding the root causes of dairy lameness could save your operation money when it comes time to make culling decisions within your herd. In a webinar conducted by Iowa State University Extension,...
The year started off with disappointing milk prices for dairy producers and uncertainty about when the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program for 2024 would be available
It seems elementary, but it’s an important fact to remember when we’re aiming to produce high-quality milk and maintain udder health: The way pathogens infect the udder is through the teat...
Surely, our grandparents could not have envisioned a day when cow burps are regarded as culprits in global warming and nut-based beverages are viewed as sustainable alternatives to milk
Capital needs are a primary concern for most dairy operations given the intensive nature of the agriculture industry’s demand for equipment and facilities
As food producers, processors, marketers, distributors, and consumers look to effectively manage their environmental footprint and social impact, the sustainability of the entire dairy industry is under...
A productive cow isn’t always a profitable cow. A profitable cow performs in milk volume and quality, breeds back quickly and experiences few health events