Digital dermatitis is an infectious foot disease that is very hard to remove once a dairy herd is infected. It is possible, though, to keep this problem at bay
Replacement heifers are one of your most valuable assets on a dairy farm. They are the future of the milking herd and ultimately determine the longevity of your entire herd and business
Having data does not necessarily translate into value. The real value comes from transforming individual data points into insights through context and connections
Since 2016, Miner Institute has collected edge-of-field surface and tile drainage samples from corn silage fields in northeastern New York that receive annual applications of dairy manure
Since 2018, the U.S. has experienced three extended periods of dairy cow liquidation. From January 2018 to July 2019, the national herd constricted by 118,000 cows; from May 2021 to January 2022, cow numbers...
Corn silage has long been known as the cornerstone of the dairy ration, providing a valuable fibrous energy that is difficult to replace in the diet. Over the years, land grant institutes have invested...
Students from all over the country did well in the 101st National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest on Sunday, but when the final results were announced, top honors returned to the Midwest
On this episode, Hoard’s Dairyman Editor Abby Bauer was joined by Dörte Döpfer, a professor at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Veterinary Medicine
A serious injury to or death of a farm’s owner sets off a chain of events that can be devastating if the business and family aren’t prepared. In too many cases, it can lead to the farm exiting...
The weather is cooling, the leaves are starting to turn, and football is back. For dairy enthusiasts, that all means two things: corn silage harvest is underway or complete, and World Dairy Expo will be...
At the 2006 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) conference in Minneapolis, a speaker presented some unique findings from their human milk studies
Feeding high-quality colostrum is recognized as a critical factor to raising healthy calves. In addition to supplying important immunological components, colostrum is rich in nutrients, hormones, and and...
With so much attention placed on animal welfare, the perspective of farmers is often overlooked, even though they are the ones who provide care to animals daily and have the greatest impact on animal welfare
Industry leaders from around the globe will gather at the gateway to America’s Dairyland when the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit returns to the U.S. for the first time in...