when a pendulum swings out farther in one direction than normal, it may swing back too far in the other direction. A correction can take some time later on
A lot of jobs in the dairy industry are very specialized in that they require an understanding of the biology of the cow and the unique characteristics of farming
Chelsea was a bright young vet student like they all are. She was spending most of her Christmas break at our practice getting some hands-on learning to add to her education
This week, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) published updated genetic evaluations for 50 traits and four selection indexes for more than 81.5 million dairy animals
Thanks to the Nedap SmartFlow Milk Meter, farmers like Austin Webster of Greenleaf, Wis., can more closely monitor the pulse of their herd like never before, gaining timely, accurate, actionable insights...
Not all cows react the same way to the same environment or action. There are slight physiological, genetic, and maintenance variations that cause some animals to thrive where others struggle
Implementing an activity monitoring system is a serious investment for a dairy farm. That can be paid back by saving labor costs on heat detection and getting cows bred at the right time
There is a lack of research — especially in the U.S. — to support how a herd of cows with high health due to quality genetics can help reduce a farm’s environmental footprint
Thanks to the Nedap SmartFlow Milk Meter, farmers like Austin Webster of Greenleaf, Wis., can more closely monitor the pulse of their herd like never before, gaining timely, accurate, actionable insights...
Having just wrapped up a phone call with a nutritionist regarding farm programs related to sustainability and carbon credits, the time is right to revisit the topic
In the show The Big Bang Theory, one of the main characters, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, has a very particular fondness for one location on the show’s main set, the characters’ living room