Even though whole milk consumption has been one of the few bright spots for fluid milk in recent years as individuals recognize its taste benefits and health outcomes, fuller-fat dairy has made very little...
Among the issues that have plagued negotiations for a new farm bill for more than a year have been disagreements around spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
As other countries have put new rules and regulations into place regarding calf transport, the question is not why, but when could the U.S. add such transportation guidelines
Carbon has become a ubiquitous term in sustainability discussions, ranging from talk of carbon markets and carbon credits to carbon offsets and carbon insets
Proper management during a calf’s early days lays the foundation for lifetime success and helps unlock its full potential. Using herd management software to record calf and heifer data can pro
Everyone has their own opinions on how they like their cheese. The Dairy Checkoff has been doing some hot takes when it comes to different ways to incorporate cheese in our everyday lives!
The rise of streaming platforms has fragmented the national television audience, and one survey showed that most consumers prefer to learn about a brand on their phone
We all put out little fires every day at work and at home. The role of the Dairy Communications Management Team is to quell fires before the dairy industry gets burned