For nearly every dairy farmer, corn silage harvest season is one of the most important periods of the entire year. As more and more farms transition toward rations high in corn silage, it becomes even
Corn silage is on the top of the mind for many dairy farmers right now. As such, three farmers shared what they’ve learned as they work to produce the best corn silage they can
When filling out an application for a state driver’s license renewal and REAL ID, an applicant needs to ensure that each of the spots on the application are completed
The 2019 corn silage crop appears to have potential based upon early sample analysis summaries. However, the key word in this introduction is “potential.”
Being part of numerous discussions, invited talks, and articles recently centering on reviewing the 2019 growing and harvest season, and ultimately grasping the corn crop quality, a few common threads...
High rainfall totals this past spring, often accompanied by flooding, left many farmers in the Corn Belt, the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast unable to plant corn until well after the recommended time
World Dairy Expo is not only home to one of the most historic dairy shows across the globe, but it also hosts crucial forage seminars throughout the week for producers and attendees to gain inventive knowledge
Take control. That’s a message I echoed in a recent webinar to dairy forage growers. Get out, scout your fields with your agronomist and assess your corn’s current growth stage
Despite a dismal corn planting season for the majority of the country, dairy producers could breathe a bit easier about previously projected shortages raising feed prices
While most farmers in the South and West already have their corn silage safely stored away, many in the Midwest and Northeast are still wondering if their corn will reach maturity
We are in full swing corn silage harvesting mode here at Hillcrest Farms. Last week temperatures rose to 100°F and higher and the humidity was right there with it