The problems with the public perception of GMOs are difficult to deal with, as noted in the February 17 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Food E-Vangelists don't want truth on GMOs." As the article says, it...
Reader Response: Corporations trump farmers on trade There is no doubt whatsoever that trade benefits both parties if done correctly, as eluded to in the January 27 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "The U.S....
Reader Response: Must know feed efficiency Despite the work of Mike Hutjens and Victor Cabrera, most consultants and producers have not taken the time and made the effort to collect feed efficiency information,...
Reader Response: Think component efficiency Regarding Brian Perkins' use of the term "dairy efficiency" to represent the ratio between milk production and dry matter intakes (in the January 20 Hoard's...
Reader Response: Embrace milk's differences I think it is irrelevant to ask if the Omega-3 difference from grass fed cows "affects health outcomes" on the human seeking Omega-3 (over Omega-6) digestible...
Isn't the Foodini concept a way to play with the "pink slime" everyone was so upset about? Hmmmm. That's my conclusion after reading the item "3D food printing? Um, no" in the December 23 issue of Hoard's...
There is one issue with the item "Japan has feed costs you won't believe" in the December 30, 2013, Hoard's Dairyman Intel. The problem with tariff reduction is the maintenance of domestic subsidies of...
Regarding the study from Purdue University (December 30 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Polled and dehorning costs break even") on the comparative costs of dehorning against the cost of using semen from polled...
Reader Response: Low SCCs do bring value I'm a dairy farmer from northern Vermont, and I am writing in response to the three dairy producer comments in the Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Reader Response:...
Read your December 23 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Doctors say no to raw milk when pregnant." The problem with your article on raw milk is that it is based on facts. The people who are pushing for unfettered...
Read your December 23 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Doctors say no to raw milk when pregnant." The article indicates that in 11 years (1998-2009), a total of two (2) persons died from illnesses related...
Reader Response: SCC matters are overstated In the Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "We should follow trailblazing SCC states," I would like to know why the dairy processors are so worried about the SCC over...
In the Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Genomic-only bulls dominate Hoard's List," I noticed the author fell into the trap when he said genomic evaluations provide twice the information provided by parent...
It's numbers like these that provide our industry two choices: 1) put some form of production control in place; or 2) Compete on world market more. (For more information, read the November 25 Hoard's Dairyman...
Great article from Nina Bakht Halal. She certainly shares how important it is for the U.S. cooperatives and independent processors to be on the ground in all the export counties of the world. What so many...
The article "Middle East hungry for dairy products" caught my eye because several years back I was involved in a dairy project in Lebanon. They are serious about increasing their milk production, because...
Reader Response: Rail can move dairy Well done, Dave Forgey . . . your item "New rail line could open exporting channels" in the November 4 Hoard's Dairyman Intel was very exciting. The distance from the...
Reader Response: Never was a "deal" broken The Milk Producers Council (MPC) and Western United Dairymen (WUD) continue to misrepresent the contents of a July 8 letter from Dairy Institute lobbyist Joe...
Canadian "traders" maybe overlooked a few things discussed in the October 21 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Canadian dairy farmers upset by trade deal." First of all, the European Union is "GMO free" (all...
Reader Response: Feed prices still high I'd like to see lower feed costs at my dairy soon as eluded to in the October 21 Hoard's Dairyman Intel item, "Continued profitability possible in 2014." I am paying...