There are some in our midst who continue to both belittle and bemoan dairy product exports. During a recent conversation, staff members for a rather well-known dairy farm organization went so far as t
The vast majority of our country’s population is several generations removed from farming. Most people are unfamiliar with modern production practices, yet dependent on agriculture and the food supply
The 2020 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held virtually due to the pandemic. Over 2,300 people attended the online event. Four abstracts related to calves and heifers have
When preparing for planting after corn silage harvest, farmers need to consider forage inventory, cereal grain management, economics, and trying new forages
With the effects of COVID-19 dominating the news in the dairy industry, there has been little time to analyze how the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program passed in the 2018 farm bill has supported dairy...
When speaking with farmers, many times I learn they haven't seen the social media posts or advertisements being placed by their national and local checkoffs
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
It was mid-January when a dairy manager and I scouted for inefficiencies within the herd. One tool I like is plotting milk production by days in milk to have an idea of the existence of cows with very...
“People notoriously don’t listen to each other,” said Lisa Holden, associate professor of dairy science with Penn State Extension, during the webinar “Dairy Workforce Focus: Communication...
Dairy products have an important and well-recognized role in retail locations. That’s been true for many years, and it’s not a market that the industry hopes to cede in any way
After logging 3,400 miles of windshield time through the heart of America’s cropland from September 14 to 18, I came away with this finding — this could be a banner crop year
For nearly every dairy farmer, corn silage harvest season is one of the most important periods of the entire year. As more and more farms transition toward rations high in corn silage, it becomes even
At calving, cows find themselves in a negative calcium balance. That’s because they are literally drawing from their own calcium stores to put the mineral into milk