The author is a freelance writer in Indianapolis, Ind. He recently traveled to the Netherlands to interview dairy farmers and processors.De Jong normally lays down six layers of grass silage (a layer
China’s record level of dairy imports in 2014 has given dairy producers the impression that the Asian country will be a major buyer of dairy products on world markets into the future
You can have your plastic and eat it, too. Grocery store aisles are filled with foods wrapped in plastic packaging. While useful, these thin plastic films create a lot of nonrecyclable waste, and in reality,...
China's heifer buying binge is over, too. Dairy products aren't the only import that China has cut way back on in 2015. It has also drastically reduced purchases of replacement heifers, which is making...
It's the leading importer of dairy products. In the dairy world, when the Asian nation sneezes, we all catch a cold because worldwide dairy product inventories build and prices begin to fall
Big new dairies are something of a rage in China these days. Some provide milk for domestic use, while others are specifically to make products for export
When it comes to feed prices and dairy trade, two "C" words have dominated conversations for more than a decade: for ethanol it's corn and for dairy products it's China. Since only one in five of our readers...
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor China has rapidly ascended to become the world's largest dairy importer by purchasing nearly 20 percent of the world's globally traded dairy products. During this same...
Driven by a rising appetite for milk, cheese and yogurt, the Chinese dairy market is expected to double in size by 2019, reaching an estimated $70 billion. With this rate of growth, the Asian country would...
Handy Hint: September 10, 2014 Save plastic with smooth bunker edges Tired of the plastic bunker cover getting caught and torn from the edge of the concrete walls. Reuter Farms in Peosta, Iowa, came up...
Can the United States and other countries meet their needs? A staggering picture of just how big China's demand for dairy products already is – and how much bigger it is expected to be in less than...
Even $24 milk prices have failed to cool export demand for U.S. dairy products so far during 2014. China continues to be the biggest driver of that demand and is the reason why the most expensive milk...
"It could take three to five years for China to once again produce the milk volume they lost in recent years," said Robert Chesler, vice president of FCStone Foods Division. In the meantime, China's appetite...
China. It's a population powerhouse on the tip of every dairyman's tongue. Enter into a conversation regarding milk prices or dairy demand, and China will inevitably come up. The nation's expanding middle...
While the reference to "plastic or paper" would be a common question asked in the checkout lane at the grocery store, in this case it's the answer to which container consumers most frequently purchase...
China has further tightened its borders to infant formula made in other countries. New restrictions now require foreign makers of milk powder to register their product and their manufacturing and storage...
China and India's practices leapfrog a generation Farmers in the world's two most populous countries are updating production practices at a rapid pace. Even so, this modernization effort isn't without...
The gap between milk demand and supply is widening in the world's largest country. This is a great time to be a milk producer in China. It's an even better time to be a high-quality producer. But it's...