Imagine you are driving down a country road and you see a farm off in the distance. It looks to be well cared for but as you approach the farm’s drive, there’s something wrong
“For us, the Pocket Cow Card on the phone and tablet is a great reference tool when out among the herd,” said Jake Weisenbeck when discussing how his farm tracks heats, breeding records, and...
Determining a cow’s due date is an imprecise science. We can predict the date for most cows within a day or two, but the sex of the calf, season of year, and geographic region all play a role
From Hoards Dairyman, the coach of the Virginia Tech dairy judging team and Avery Kotlarczyk, a student at Kaskaskia college, a class of Guernsey cows for you to practice on
“Age at calving and herd replacement rates are the largest factors influencing heifer costs,” shared Jud Heinrichs, Penn State extension specialist. “This affects the numbers of heifers...
Many changes we make to dairy cows through genetic selection are easy to see or quantify. Our cows are much taller, thinner, and have far better udders than cows from past eras. We’ve also doubled...
It takes a team both at home and at shows to run a successful show string. Over the years, Budjon has become one of the biggest, housing nearly 350 head of cattle for around 50 clients
Trophies carrying the names of Expo pioneers like Hetts (left and top right), King (center right), and Blaska (bottom right) memorialize some of the most influential minds of Expo. Articles on Wo
Over the next decade, California widened its lead dramatically in both categories. The high watermarks came in 2008 at 16.73 billion pounds and 592,000 cows. But things have changed a lot since then
Lameness can be a major health concern on many dairy farms. Not only is this an animal welfare issue, but various reports indicate that each case of lameness can cost $90 to $300
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
According to data maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service for the first five months of 2017, total production of dairy products on a milk equivalent, skim solids...
I’m not real sure if it is just a Southern thing to know what it means to have “Georgia weather,” especially around July and August, but these two months are the extreme heat months for...