National Agriculture Day was March 22. While it may have passed, it’s important to recognize that Americans — especially schoolchildren — would benefit from year-round efforts to enhance...
With the ongoing war in Ukraine upending markets and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic continuing to affect daily life, additional concerns could seem overwhelming to anyone
How many “We’re hiring” signs have you seen this week? It may seem like every business is putting out a plea for employees even as unemployment levels continue to drop
Getting calves off to a good start includes a nutritional program that encourages weight gain at a young age. “I want calves gaining weight by the second week of life,” said Bob James
Many of us find ourselves eating out more in recent years than we did a decade ago, and certainly more than a generation ago. In many regions, there has been a proliferation of eating options
Even before the pandemic, but especially since, calls for change have been heard in the dairy industry from nearly every group involved — farmers, processors, cooperatives, haulers, and more
“We haven’t had many major changes to the federal orders since 2000,” shared Jim Mulhern with those attending the 24th annual meeting of Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) on March 23
We use colored clothespins to mark the cows that need attention when they are in the headlocks. This makes it quick and easy to spot the cows we need from the front and the back
In just two years, Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) transformed itself from selling over one-half of its members’ milk to third-party processors to processing two-thirds of its own milk
The triple play of sexed semen, genomic tests, and beef semen on dairy cows is earning all-star honors as a replacement management strategy on many of our dairy farms
As shelled corn prices are a couple dollars higher per bushel (56 pounds as-fed basis) compared to prior years, dairy farmers are asking what alternatives and strategies could be considered
Dairy producers are well aware of what milk fever does to a cow. Muscle weakness and recumbency are the most visible signs, and if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to death
Homegrown forages are vital ingredients in dairy diets with corn silage being one of the anchors in rations for dairy cows. High-quality corn silage not only supplies energy for maintenance
While there is often pushback that ruminants are utilizing land that could otherwise be used for edible food production for humans, cattle deliver value
“I decided to modify the protocol a couple of weeks ago” were the words of a novice employee from another group performing some analyses in my laboratory. The scenario was very concerning....