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Jan. 9 2023
Many tasks on a dairy farm need to happen the same way, every day. From milking cows to feeding calves to mixing rations, many farms have protocols in place to ensure these processes happen consistent
Jan. 9 2023
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
Jan. 9 2023
Of the more than 118,000 veterinarians in the U.S., the American Veterinary Medical Association estimated in 2020 that just 5.3% are in food animal practice. That’s compared to 69.7% in companion...
Jan. 9 2023
New rules will apply to milk haulers driving on roads in Chippewa County this spring. Part of that plan includes a $100 permit fee for each milk truck. Milk haulers also must attend a mandatory meetin
Jan. 5 2023
What might a college term paper, a letter to your mom, and a dairy ration formulation have in common? The answer, when it comes to term papers and the letter to your mom, has been in the news of
Jan. 5 2023
From owners and employees to veterinarians and lenders, many people contribute to the success of a dairy farm. Likewise, building demand for and selling dairy products requires a broad team of markete
Jan. 5 2023
After Bucky Henschel joined his parents, Jeff and Diana, on their dairy near Manawa, Wis., the family started looking at the opportunity to transition to robotic milking. They toured many farms before
Jan. 5 2023
If the futures markets are accurately forecasting the future, dairy could be in store for a rough patch. While the combination of a strong All-Milk price and four months of falling feed costs held Dai
Jan. 2 2023
Under the Data Money Extension program of the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in collaboration with a participating farmer and following farm needs, we developed a Cow Sele
Jan. 2 2023
The collective U.S. dairy industry continues to build relationships around the world. So much so that USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has predicted that the U.S. will export 469,000 metric
Jan. 2 2023
Preserving margins has become the goal of many feed programs in the last several months. Although that’s always been an objective on farms, a heightened focus has fallen on feed ingredient inclusion
Jan. 2 2023
From the classic (macaroni and cheese) to the trendy (“pilk”), there are hundreds of different ways consumers can enjoy dairy products. As producers, marketers, and advocates of milk and its...
Jan. 2 2023
Each farm seems to have its own sweet spot when it comes to the number of cows they house per group. While some dairies can overcrowd successfully, others struggle to maintain individual cow performan
Dec. 29 2022
Credit is the lifeblood of agriculture, described Chad Jorgensen of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago during the Fed’s Midwest Agriculture Conference. That’s why the focus of the event was...
Dec. 29 2022
“We're looking at fertilizer prices that have doubled or even tripled in the last 2-1/2 years,” shared Cornell’s Chris Wolf during the December 14, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream....
Dec. 29 2022
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, twice passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, suffered a second death after failing to garner the necessary votes in the U.S. Senate. The second funeral tran
Dec. 29 2022
As the dairy industry closes the book on 2022, there were chapters that featured high milk prices, greater expenses, supply shortages, extreme weather conditions, growing dairy demand, global impacts
Dec. 28 2022
let’s talk agronomy in the Feeding Fundamentals column to start this new year. While an agronomy discussion may seem out of place in a nutrition-focused column, it shouldn’t be. In last June’s...
Dec. 28 2022
We are approaching three years since the COVID-19 pandemic started. As the disease becomes endemic, we start to see the unintended consequences of control measures. While these measures saved lives, m
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Dec. 28 2022
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) of 1938 is a federal law that created the right to a minimum wage as well as overtime pay when people work more than 40 hours a week. The federal minimum wage was 2