Steven and Connie Schmitt’s commitment, passion, and hard work as a farming couple is evidenced by a collection of aerial farm photos proudly displayed
For someone looking for an internship, part-time job, or full-time opportunity, in-person connections are the best way to show off skills and highlight work experiences to potential employers
For 7-year-old Maple Fudge Of 12 Oak and her leadswoman, Ashley Brandel, an invite to the Supreme Champion selection is nothing new, but it is just as rewarding
The World Forage Analysis Superbowl welcomed 343 entries in its 38th year. Announced at the winner’s luncheon on Wednesday were the top prizes for the best forages in the country
This morning and afternoon 13 collegiate dairy judging teams and more than 50 students are evaluating cattle and preparing their reasons in hopes of being named a national champion
Many jokes about Carhartt gear can be found throughout social media. What was once an outfitter solely for those performing manual labor is now on trend for the masses to wear