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Aug. 19 2016
Attempts to connect with consumers can be a trap. When I attend the state fair, I expect to see a lot of youth having a great time and spending time with their friends. That is not all I found on the last...
Aug. 18 2016
4-H livestock projects were blasted at a recent HSUS annual conference. Like many of you in the dairy industry, some of my best memories and closest friends are from my time in 4-H
Aug. 15 2016
Social media should not replace face-to-face advocacy. Almost every co-op meeting, checkoff organization conference, or dairy industry event includes a speaker or breakout session about telling our story,...
Aug. 12 2016
Who has the priority? Raising healthy, well-grown calves is more than putting milk in a pail and dropping grain in a bucket. A newborn's chance for success starts as soon as it hits the ground. Colostrum...
Aug. 4 2016
Members of the Hoard's Dairyman staff spent a day on farms to stay in touch with the magazine's roots. By The Hoard's Dairyman editorial team has a long standing tradition of being actively involved in...
July 28 2016
It takes careful attention to all details, large and small, to reach the highest levels of milk production. When our milking herd finally broke the 100 pounds of milk per day average, a lot of changes...
July 8 2016
Youth take a "go big or go home" approach to competition. "You are betting all your points in Final Jeopardy," stated the moderator when speaking to California's Alexandra (Alex) Gambonini. The 120 points...
June 20 2016
"Let me put your back tag on," said the reassuring but firm voice from what I would quantify as a "man's man."
June 15 2016
It's hot, it's humid, and it's only the beginning of summer. And there is still a long way to go before we start to see the anticipated cooler temperatures of fall. While some might be enjoying the warmer...
June 10 2016
It's about the experience, regardless of location. Take the farm to the people, instead of taking the people to the farm. June Dairy month brings excitement as the public sets foot on real dairies during...
June 3 2016
Nothing enhances learning more than a field trip. When it's June is Dairy Month, we want to tell consumers how proud we are to be dairy producers. But, not all of us are articulate or feel comfortable...
May 26 2016
A small study showed that selective dry cow therapy can maintain udder health while reducing antibiotic use in some cows. One topic of conversation at the Minnesota Herd Health Conference held in Bloomington,...
May 19 2016
Friends, food, and funding are just a few perks. I've lived the majority of my adult life in Wisconsin, while all of my childhood was spent in California. Dairy breakfasts were not common in the Central...
April 6 2016
Living in a rural community is no guarantee that your neighbors understand farming and where food comes from.When you're engaged to a large animal veterinarian and your job is tracking and responding to...
March 29 2016
Electrical fire serves as wake-up call. Fire. There might not be another word so capable of quickly igniting fear in the hearts of farmers. I'm sure you can imagine the level of panic we felt after smelling...
March 22 2016
What other ways can you find to serve the dairy industry? Last week, March 13 to 19, was National Agriculture Week. I had the chance to represent the Oregon dairy industry in a video commercial for a local...
March 11 2016
Event celebrates the value of food production in our world. Tuesday, March 15 is National Agriculture Day, which marks the 43rd year of celebrating the ways agriculture impacts everyone. This year's theme...
Feb. 15 2016
Locomotion scoring can help detect lame cows and gauge overall herd health. When it's not a problem, foot and leg health is something that flies under the radar on a many dairies, but soggy spring conditions...
Feb. 12 2016
Understanding immunity promotes calf health. Vaccinations are designed to stimulate the immune system. They aren't cures, but tools to help the calf defend its body from viruses, bacteria and parasites....
Feb. 10 2016
Animal activists are becoming bolder in their actions; even events like dairy shows could attract guests with ulterior motives. You've lined up the judge, secured the award sponsors and ordered the ribbons....