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July 9 2018
Make plans now to attend the 79th Minnesota Nutrition Conference at Verizon Center in Mankato, Minnesota, on September 19 and 20, 2018. An outstanding group of internationally recognized speak
July 9 2018
Any regulatory standard for the labeling of bioengineered food ingredients must ensure that consumers receive clear, accurate information about the foods they eat, and not stigmatize bioengin
LTC_Kevin Gierach
July 9 2018
Each spring Lakeshore Technical College holds their annual graduation banquet in Northeast Wisconsin. It is a chance for the students to introduce themselves to the dairy industry and thank their families,...
July 5 2018
I spent many hours last week on a bus while attending the National Jersey Convention. Driving through the curving roads of Wooster County, Ohio, to check out Amish Country, farmland, and stopping at several...
July 3 2018
Last night Hoard’s Dairyman had the unique opportunity to host attendees from the International Conference of the World Jersey Cattle Bureau at the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm
July 3 2018
The 2018 growing season is off to a great start in most areas of the Corn Belt, but variable weather and heavy rain in some areas can make scouting for foliar diseases more important. Protect yo
July 3 2018
Sara Bahgat-Eggert of Clayton, Wisconsin, was randomly selected from nearly 300 sweepstakes entries to take home the Bovine Match Sweepstakes grand prize — a $2,500 gift card from Zoetis. T
July 2 2018
World Milk Day on June 1 served as a rally point for the dairy community to convene and celebrate, as well as kick off our personal stories of Undeniably Devotion
June 29 2018
Holstein breeder and former Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Denny Wolff will present federal policy reform suggestions during the National Holstein Convention. What: &nb
June 29 2018
“We applaud the passage of the Senate’s Farm Bill version, as it draws much needed attention to the needs of our dairy farmers, especially here in the Midwest. Senate leadership have listened...
June 29 2018
House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin C. Peterson issued the following statement on the Senate’s passage of the farm bill yesterday: “Congratulations to Chairman Roberts, Ran
June 28 2018
June is traditionally celebrated as “Dairy Month,” but there is very little to celebrate in the dairy industry at the moment, with the fourth consecutive year of low farm milk prices and new
June 28 2018
In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s release this week of its proposed 2019 Renewable Volume Obligation levels for ethanol, biodiesel and other renewable fuels, House Agricult
June 28 2018
ADC is extremely disappointed and frustrated with the lack of desire to move forward a guest-worker program to ensure the dairy industry has an adequate labor force to feed the world. La
June 28 2018
As our family travels down the path of robotic milking, we continue to learn lessons that I will pass on to you
June 27 2018
“We are extremely disappointed that Congress did not include an agricultural guestworker element as part of its compromise immigration reform bill that ultimately failed today. The U.S. dair
Ag Strong
June 27 2018
The agriculture community in Tulare, Calif., has been working out lately and has developed a few muscles
June 26 2018
The Wisconsin FFA Foundation celebrated the achievements of the 2017-18 campaign and its 35-year history at the 89th Wisconsin FFA Convention in Madison this month
June 26 2018
I’m one to say that men and women’s role on the dairy farm can be equal. And yet, the differences between genders farming together become very apparent to me in the task of raising a farm family
June 26 2018
The Crave family is continuing its award-winning streak for Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese. Their latest honors come from the 2018 Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Products Contest, where they stac