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Nov. 13 2023
In the show The Big Bang Theory, one of the main characters, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, has a very particular fondness for one location on the show’s main set, the characters’ living room
Nov. 13 2023
For seven consecutive quarters ending in the fourth quarter of last year, the export value of U.S. dairy products beat year-ago levels by 20% or more
Nov. 10 2023
One year ago, on November 5, I was getting married. When my husband and I set our wedding date long before that, we didn’t even think about it landing on the end of daylight savings time
Nov. 9 2023
A team at Dairy Management Inc. studies food trends and works with social media influencers and agencies with culinary expertise to keep dairy top of mind with a diverse consumer audience
Nov. 9 2023
Digital dermatitis is an infectious foot disease that is very hard to remove once a dairy herd is infected. It is possible, though, to keep this problem at bay
Nov. 9 2023
U.S. dairy consumption has been steadily rising for years, reaching more than 11.5 million metric tons (milk solids equivalent) in 2022
Nov. 8 2023
Taking the time to recognize what we have can help us move through busy seasons
Nov. 7 2023
The dairy judging contest held at the North American International Livestock Exposition is the final contest of the year
Nov. 7 2023
Although 4-H was an important part of Bradley Rugg’s life from an early age, it wasn’t until a couple of years after college graduation that his specific love for the dairy community came into...
Nov. 4 2023
New York teenagers win National 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest
Nov. 3 2023
Florida FFA wins National FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Contest
Nov. 3 2023
The Animal Agriculture Alliance’s recap of animal rights conferences in 2023 revealed certain tactics these groups plan to use to advance their agendas in the year ahead
Nov. 2 2023
Replacement heifers are one of your most valuable assets on a dairy farm. They are the future of the milking herd and ultimately determine the longevity of your entire herd and business
Oct. 30 2023
Lameness is a global problem, and digital dermatitis is an infectious disease affecting dairy cattle around the world
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Oct. 27 2023
Having data does not necessarily translate into value. The real value comes from transforming individual data points into insights through context and connections
Oct. 26 2023
Building trust with students and food service leaders helps secure dairy’s place on school menus
Oct. 25 2023
It wasn’t until I moved to Wisconsin following college that I truly understood what it meant to try to farm in a place where winter seems to last from November to May
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Oct. 24 2023
My niece stopped by for a school project last week. They were talking about “big digit problems” in math and looking at real-life examples where lots of numbers come into play
Oct. 23 2023
Nokian Tyres Flexforce® VF is a unique new tire technology that enables more efficient agricultural work by creating an XXL-sized ground contact and by reducing loss of power
Oct. 23 2023
The combination of high interest rates and a strong U.S. dollar is beginning to take a disproportionate toll on rural industries like agriculture, forest products, mining and manufacturing