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Dec. 29 2023
Over the years, I have come to believe that the efficiency of converting feed to milk is perhaps the key indicator of dairy profitability
Red Velvet 7 Layer Bars Photo
Dec. 22 2023
Of all the things people debate online, it turns out there are strong opinions on how to butter toast
Dec. 21 2023
Feed is a major cost for dairy farmers. Ensuring that an expertly designed feeding strategy goes from the formulation phase to the bunk without being altered is paramount to a positive return on investment
Dec. 20 2023
A lot of jobs in the dairy industry are very specialized in that they require an understanding of the biology of the cow and the unique characteristics of farming
Dec. 15 2023
In today's dynamic dairy farming landscape, strategic protocol implementation plays a crucial role in a sustainable dairy operation
Dec. 15 2023
Inadvertently, I became a go-to animal health guru in my county
Dec. 15 2023
The dairy farm is no different from any other business: Success hinges on a quality workforce
Dec. 14 2023
The role of dietary phosphorus in hypocalcemia presented by Pat Hoffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Innovation Center Logo
Dec. 13 2023
In pre-recorded keynote remarks, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack stated convenings like the Summit are critical to working toward an agricultural future that is sustainable and climate smart
Dec. 13 2023
Over the past 15 years, our industry has evolved, grown, and improved by leaps and bounds
Dec. 13 2023
Chelsea was a bright young vet student like they all are. She was spending most of her Christmas break at our practice getting some hands-on learning to add to her education
Dec. 13 2023
Bringing our issues to lawmakers’ attention is the only way they will know what we are facing
Dec. 12 2023
Using technology to understand fertility in dairy cowsRonaldo Cerri, University of British Columbia
Dec. 12 2023
A number of dairy organizations work together to manage crisis and issues and strengthen consumer confidence in our farms and products
Dec. 8 2023
From their spots to their behaviors, no two cows are alike
Dec. 8 2023
Just over five years ago, Hancock took control of the breeding program at Prairie View Dairy in Muleshoe, Texas. He found that changes needed to be made — fast
Dec. 6 2023
Partnerships developed by Dairy Management Inc. and the dairy checkoff drive sales of dairy products at restaurant chains across the country and around the world
Dec. 6 2023
This week, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) published updated genetic evaluations for 50 traits and four selection indexes for more than 81.5 million dairy animals
Dec. 5 2023
The holidays look different for farm families, but true joy is in what we have around us
Holstein Assoc
Dec. 5 2023
Holstein Association USA has continued to monitor information related to Early Onset Muscle Weakness Syndrome (MW) over the past several months