Multiple component pricing has been the mechanism that has established the value for the supermajority of the nation’s milk since the Federal Milk Marketing Order reforms
In support of student leaders and in remembrance of the late George Miller, Select Sires Inc. has established the George Miller Memorial Scholarship fund
With herbicide shortages mounting for the 2022 growing season, some growers may be looking for ways to reduce product needs. Before making too many cuts early on
Converting feed cost to milk income is the most basic description of my job as a nutritionist. It is really no different than an auto manufacturing plant that buys various pieces of metal, plastic
Dairy producers and advisors working with all types, sizes, and breeds of dairy herds are invited to the first of its kind Data and Innovations Summit (DIS) held in conjunction with the National Holst
Holstein association members, including junior members, from across the United States are invited to attend the 2022 National Holstein Convention “Progress on the Plains” in Sioux Falls, South...
Newly released data in a nationally recognized farm-level sustainability project in southwestern Wisconsin shows that farmers are making continued progress in key environmental categories