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June 22 2015
Feeding heifers doesn't always have to be a guessing game
June 9 2015
New research reveals the real reason Swiss cheese is full of holes, and why those holes are getting smaller
Feb. 23 2015
Effluent planning can be done now to make harvest easier this year Growing up on a small dairy farm, silage effluent wasn't something I was overly aware of other than it smelled, and I tried not to get...
Jan. 22 2015
A classic game, Jenga tests players' ability to strategically remove blocks from a sturdy tower. One by one, blocks are pulled until the stack comes crashing down. The individual with the steadiest hand...
Dec. 5 2014
Producer seminars are an early part of a five-year, $3 million grant from USDA. by Dennis Halladay, Hoard's Dairyman Western Editor The best description of genomics I have ever heard came this week from...
Dec. 4 2014
Forage digestibility can be a game changer. For dairymen who were banking on the harvested tons to add some breathing room back in their forage budget, a crop like 2014's provided little relief
Nov. 13 2014
"In the best-case scenario, we'll lose only 2 to 3 percent of our harvested forage tons to fermentation shrink," noted John Goeser, Rock River Laboratory, at the Penn State Dairy Nutrition Conference
Aug. 8 2014
Can the United States and other countries meet their needs? A staggering picture of just how big China's demand for dairy products already is – and how much bigger it is expected to be in less than...
Aug. 6 2014
Educational games share agriculture's story. "Corn is grown in every state and on six continents." That is just one of the agriculture facts state fair attendees could learn in the American Farm Bureau's...
June 9 2014
"Although corn prices dropped dramatically during the fourth quarter of 2013, most other feeds rose in price which kept more profitable bottom lines just out of reach," reported the Frazer LLP certified...
Dairy Land game.jpg
May 16 2014
This time it's okay to play on your computer at work. "Dairy Land" is a new interactive online game unveiled May 5 by the Washington Dairy Products Commission (WDPC). It's a fun and very educational take...
April 22 2014
Not everyone is a farmer, but a love for animals and people has drawn many to a career in agriculture. According to a recent survey, the agriculture industry is a pretty good place to make a living right...
Feb. 5 2014
When the Seattle Seahawks' young quarterback took the field on Sunday, he was prepared. The familiarity of the opposing quarterback to high-pressure games far exceeded this second-year player's resume....
Dec. 18 2013
Toby Gerhart, Minnesota Viking backup running back and former Heisman Trophy runner-up, took the time to reward a Minnesota farm family for winning a photo contest by feeding calves and asking questions....
Dec. 13 2013
Global exporting giant ramps up its production capacity to serve huge nearby markets.The. U.S. is the hot new star in the global dairy exports game, but New Zealand, the all-time everything, hasn't slowed...
Oct. 30 2013
Over 55,000 are expected to converge on Louisville, Ky., this weekend. The National FFA Convention and Expo is a highlight for many FFA members. With nearly 580,000 FFA members in every state, along with...
Oct. 25 2013
Latest price hike denial should be the final straw for producers.One of Albert Einstein's famous quotes is, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." It's a madness...
Sept. 30 2013
Past WDE Collegiate Judging Contest High Individuals, Jered Haase and Kevin Ziemba, have taken on new roles in the judging ring. Being part of a judging team can have its thrills and challenges. A solid...
July 10 2013
Holstein youth are testing their knowledge and being recognized for their achievements at the 2013 National Holstein Convention. For Holstein youth, this week truly is "the race to the finish line" at...
June 21 2013
Despite strong support by House leaders, the farm bill is defeated with a 234 to 195 vote. The path to a new farm bill hit another huge roadblock yesterday, as House members defeated their version of the...