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Dec. 16 2014
Today's dairy producers use the lactation curve to schedule milk harvest from a cow. Her milk production level dictates ration changes, housing group and may push up or move back her dry-off date
Dec. 10 2014
Keeping teats soft and healthy is the goal of every producer, but becomes more challenging during winter's cold temperatures. Leo Timms, Iowa State University, discussed this topic during the Hoard's...
Dec. 3 2014
It's the time of year when children dream. And there is no better time to "dream big" than Christmas. There seems to be less guilt about asking for things during the holidays as compared to other times...
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Dec. 2 2014
For students in Louisville, Ky., the North American International Livestock Exposition provides a unique opportunity for a lesson in agriculture. The North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE)...
Nov. 26 2014
Is the trend motivated by cost or convenience? Just about anyone could guess that health care, housing and transportation costs were higher in 2013. And they'd be right. Americans have cut back across...
Nov. 14 2014
Simply guessing as to the cause is part of the problem. Death loss is a challenge to every producer. Minimizing early removals from the herd should be the goal, but it starts with an understanding of the...
Nov. 12 2014
Empire State has won nearly one-third of all national contests. After a second place finish in last year's contest, New York 4-H came back in full force in 2014. Not only did they win the team portion...
Nov. 3 2014
Spencer County FFA wins 5th National FFA Dairy Judging title in 10 years. When you say you've won the National FFA Dairy Judging Contest, you have done more than just judged cows. The two-day contest encompasses...
Oct. 29 2014
Holstein million-unit fraternity hits 50. Breeding and then marketing an elite bull is a tough undertaking, and only a few have been successful. Bulls need to appeal to a wide audience of producers, but...
Oct. 23 2014
When mastitis was detected in the week after insemination, the likelihood of the cow carrying a calf was greatly diminished. A dairy's success or failure hinges on a number of variables, one of which is...
Oct. 22 2014
Living and childrearing expenses continue to climb. Family living costs are up for urban and rural residents alike. In a survey of over 1,300 farm families, Illinois farmers reported that their cost of...
Oct. 15 2014
First seek to understand, then act on the new farm bill's new dairy component. The recent Farm Bill eliminates the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) and replaces it with a Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy)....
Oct. 14 2014
Marcie Feine's passion for calves clearly shined through as she spoke at a Land O'Lakes calf event last month. "I have the best job because I get the babies," she said. Marcie and her husband, Glen, are...
Oct. 8 2014
"It's a no brainer," remarked Matt Nuckols, a registered Holstein breeder from Virginia and a panelist at the genomics seminar. Extra cattle value and the ability to make more informed herd decisions are...
Oct. 4 2014
World Classic Sale sale averages over $23,000 By Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager The high selling animal at the World Classic 2014 was Lot 19, De-Su 1912-ET at $74,000. She is a Mountfield...
Oct. 4 2014
Holstein and Jerseys flip flop for Supreme. In the Junior Supreme Champion ceremony, the seven breed champions paraded under the spotlight in front of a packed Coliseum crowd. The bright lights stopped...
Oct. 4 2014
Tim Abbott, Enosburg, Vt., was named the 16th Honorary Member of the Klussendorf Association. Since the association was formed in 1937, 15 other men have received special recognition by the membership...
Oct. 4 2014
Youth showcase their cattle presentation skills. It was an amazing sight . . . hundreds of youth stayed late into the night on Thursday to compete in World Dairy Expo's showmanship contest. Youth were...
Oct. 4 2014
Attendees at World Dairy Expo were asked dairy-related questions to determine if they were "smarter than a Hoard's Dairyman editor." Associate editor, Amanda Smith, took part in the fun activity on Friday...