Winning cow families and farm families rise to the top. The Junior Champion honors was a family affair, with siblings and cousins, Crystal, Jordan, Jake, Josh, Connor and Lauren Siemers of Wisconsin, taking...
The dairy industry honors its leaders. The National Dairy Shrine annual banquet will be held at World Dairy Expo on Thursday, October 2, after a year hiatus when the banquet was held in Harrisburg last...
Judge Wallace made his selection from 257 head exhibited in the International Ayrshire show. The sound of bagpipes faded, and Judge David Wallace walked toward the middle of the ring tapping the winning...
While all the research conducted by the world's animal scientists is geared towards building a better agricultural system, it's important for everyone to remember that ultimately our number one goal is...
The National Dairy Shrine in Fort Atkinson unveiled a $90,000 technological upgrade to its main floor display last week. "We are very pleased to share the excitement of some of the changes that were made...
China. It's a population powerhouse on the tip of every dairyman's tongue. Enter into a conversation regarding milk prices or dairy demand, and China will inevitably come up. The nation's expanding middle...
Make sure your bedding is doing its job by evaluating cow cleanliness and comfort. Cost and ease of handling are often the first considerations when it comes to bedding for dairy cattle. Ideally, bedding...
The NFL announced another 5-year commitment to the program that encourages healthy eating and physical activity in schools across the nation. You could feel the excitement the minute you entered the door...
Thirteen senators encourage farm bill committee to provide bridge gap solution. A potential extension to the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) program could add some temporary security for dairy farmers....
If done well, grazing can lower forage costs and still maintain growth rates for dairy replacements. Raising calves and heifers can be the second largest cost on a dairy operation, shared David Combs,...
Past WDE Collegiate Judging Contest High Individuals, Jered Haase and Kevin Ziemba, have taken on new roles in the judging ring. Being part of a judging team can have its thrills and challenges. A solid...
All-American Dairy Show celebrates golden anniversary. This September marks the 50th Anniversary for the All-American Dairy Show (AADS) in Harrisburg, Pa. There are six prominent families that stepped...
Authorization is included in House Ag Committee's draft of 2013 Farm Bill. The emotional and growing revolt by California milk producers against what they say is their state's inadequate and unresponsive...
"The concept of a billion has become devalued as we have gone through the global financial crisis," noted David Hughes, Imperial College-London, at the 2013 Western Canadian Dairy Seminar
Late December is traditionally the time of year when Americans spend time with their families. Not so if you are a congressional staffer, an elected national official . . . or even a dairy farmer
"You understand, farmers never retire," was one of the astute observations that farm family coach Elaine Froese offered to those attending the World Holstein Conference in Toronto, Canada
Congressman-elect David Valadao is a partner in his family's 1,700-cow dairy operation. by Lucas Sjostrom, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor Agriculture has some friends in Washington, D.C. But it has...
Family Dairies USA, Madison, Wis., the Manitowoc Milk Producers Cooperative, Manitowoc, Wis., and Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Producers, Brookfield, Wis., formally announced that they would begin member...