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Oct. 26 2023
Building trust with students and food service leaders helps secure dairy’s place on school menus
Fri- Howard main
Oct. 6 2023
Savannah Crack became the first Canadian to win the Merle Howard Award
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July 13 2023
As most dairy farmers know, the previous milk check was quite disheartening
Exhibitor Party Photo 1
Oct. 5 2022
As the doors closed on the first day of the World Dairy Expo Trade Show, many company representatives made their way to the Exhibition Hall meeting rooms for food and fellowship
International Cheese Awards PR
Aug. 12 2022
Two Hoard’s Dairyman Farm Creamery cheeses did well in England and in Wisconsin
national dairy checkoff
Dec. 13 2021
If you have any questions about the dairy checkoff, there are ways to reach out at the local and national levels
Nov. 19 2021
Companies are committing to environmentally friendly practices, but it still starts in the field and on the farm
Nov. 16 2021
Animal rights extremists will go to great length to make their opinions known; don’t let them disrupt your farm
Sept. 1 2021
The state of California is facing a water crisis, and farmers have a whole lot to lose
FFA Picture
Aug. 2 2021
Don’t let a full plate scare you away from a new opportunity. Saying “yes” can introduce you to new friends and interests
March 29 2021
The future is bright for college students studying agriculture
Feb. 18 2021
Be willing to stay updated on issues across the country and around the world, because how it is being dealt with might come in handy for your farm one day
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Jan. 7 2021
The new year always feels like a refreshed time. Even though it is just one day different, somehow, flipping to the new year on the calendar makes it a fresh start
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Dec. 16 2020
I’m not going to lie to you: You haven’t been my favorite year. Just like every January, I had all the big expectations
July 13 2020
Farmers do what they do because they love the job, but that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult
March 23 2020
Farmers literally fed the Allied forces and the world’s war-ravaged citizens during World War II
Feb. 13 2019
Can I be real for a minute? Are milk prices really that bad? We’ve seen much lower prices and survived — anyone remember 2009?
Jan. 25 2019
Multiple news outlets have dubbed 2019 as “The year of the vegan.” Headlines like “Everything is ready to make 2019 the ‘year of the vegan’. Are you?”
Dec. 6 2018
Via trains, planes, and automobiles, I recently made my way from East Moline, Ill., to Germany
Nov. 6 2018
Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that today is Election Day