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Aug. 25 2023
Apart from visiting a farm, there’s nothing quite like attending a fair for the general public to witness agriculture up close. There are plenty of animals to see, youth and exhibitors to talk with,...
Aug. 21 2023
Summer is coming to an end, and it’s time to go back to school. However, I won’t be going home empty-handed
Aug. 14 2023
While I was searching for information sources to use for a different writing assignment, I came across a Penn State Extension article that discussed managing weeds
Aug. 7 2023
Last week, Wisconsin experienced some pretty high temperatures that seem to be sticking around. I heard the phrase, “You should be used to the heat since you’re from the south,” multiple...
July 31 2023
The day of a cattle show can be stressful. Having someone follow the cows around with a manure pan is crucial in order to catch any excrement that comes out the back side
July 24 2023
A question asked quite often in an interview is, “Who is your role model?”
July 19 2023
What’s the best calf starter? Of course, the answer is whatever starter fits your operation
July 18 2023
I have often felt there was an invisible wall between the beef and dairy industries, preventing them from communicating or learning from each other
July 10 2023
As you are reading this, I will be in Madison, Wis., attending the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE)
July 3 2023
When presented with a problem, we look for a solution. It is human nature to want an answer, but sometimes it is not always easy to find one
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June 30 2023
One of the coolest aspects of being part of a dairy farm is walking into a store — whether it’s a retailer or an on-farm shop — and seeing your milk bottled or made into other dairy products...
June 26 2023
When I was old enough to participate in junior activities through breed associations, I was terrified to do them
June 21 2023
Indulge me for just a moment. I have a complaint to file with Mother Nature. For crying out loud, let it rain
June 19 2023
I have had the unique privilege of being able to raise and show both beef and dairy cattle
jillian Chybowsk copy
June 16 2023
Continuing education comes in many forms. Some students looking to pursue post-high school training in dairy production choose a technical college degree
June 12 2023
Creating a cattle sale through a collegiate student organization is no easy task. This was my exact thought when some of my classmates wanted to start a dairy cattle sale at Virginia Tech
June 5 2023
During my reign as the 2022 Virginia Dairy Princess, I was asked a particularly interesting question, “What do you think cows would say if they could talk?”
Judging team photo
May 29 2023
There is no doubt that dairy judging can be stressful
May 22 2023
It seems crazy how a four-legged animal can determine the direction of your life
May 19 2023
I took a walk out to our calf hutches last week to begin summer preparations to that area of our farm