Have you heard of the four-legged milk stool? A popular analogy among author Gary Sipiorki’s talks and Money Matters column articles, he makes the argument that financial awareness is as critical...
Remember when everyone used to tell you that having a farm blog was a priority — before social media was all the rage? Are farm websites and blogs worth the time to build today?
Uncertain times in the dairy world make our road to robotic milking scary, but here we go. We are finally finished with our plans to add robots on the sides of our conventional freestall flush barn
A big part of my husband’s and my decision to come back to the farm was based on the way we wanted to raise our family. There really is no comparison to the values and lessons that this way of life...
The school bell rang last week and my kids went back to school. Truthfully, it will be an adjusting period for our entire household, as we have three children in three different schools — freshman,...
At the American Guernsey Association’s national convention held in June, outstanding cows and herds received awards for their achievements from the previous year
Wisconsin’s Marathon county was a logging community until the late 1800s. At that time, farmers permanently settled in the area, pulling up tree stumps and planting crops to feed their livestock
“Where are our consumers spending time on social media?” I get this question a lot from farmers and dairy industry communication professionals during my training sessions
“It’s a game changer,” shared Ev Thomas of Oak Point Agronomics during the Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, when talking about forage advancements in alfalfa production
If you haven’t heard the expression, “It's hotter than Georgia asphalt," then you should take a trip to Georgia in the summer and walk across the asphalt without any shoes on
Each spring Lakeshore Technical College holds their annual graduation banquet in Northeast Wisconsin. It is a chance for the students to introduce themselves to the dairy industry and thank their families,...
I spent many hours last week on a bus while attending the National Jersey Convention. Driving through the curving roads of Wooster County, Ohio, to check out Amish Country, farmland, and stopping at several...