Data has played an integral role in dairy farmers’ decision-making process for many decades. Much of this started with foundational work from land-grant universities and state extension services
The cropping enterprise is an integral component to the success of the dairy enterprise and the whole farm in generating profit. Purchased feed costs are usually monitored regularly by producers
Wars start after several years of struggle and conflict. When war finally breaks out, multiple battles rage simultaneously on many fronts, as people fight for their existence
Bedding and towels both play a critical role in milk quality and the potential need for antibiotic intervention to treat infections. University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine researchers
When filling out an application for a state driver’s license renewal and REAL ID, an applicant needs to ensure that each of the spots on the application are completed
The 2019 growing season was one of the most challenging seasons many of us have ever seen. Several areas had severe winterkill; spring planting delayed by cool, wet weather; and a short summer with more...
As more and more data is collected on land use, farm operations, animal health, and food supply chains, many initiatives, including the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
The 2019 corn silage crop appears to have potential based upon early sample analysis summaries. However, the key word in this introduction is “potential.”
From a soil health perspective, small grains may be planted to protect the soil from wind and rain erosion, to reduce soil compaction and penetration resistance, to improve soil porosity and soil water...
High rainfall totals this past spring, often accompanied by flooding, left many farmers in the Corn Belt, the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast unable to plant corn until well after the recommended time
As new technologies emerge, milking cows robotically continues to gain interest and adoption, but there’s a gap between research and farm level application
Dairy farmers know that each breed has unique characteristics; some are beneficial while others are challenging. For example, the Jersey cow is known for being more susceptible to milk fever
The business decision to purchase seed, grow, harvest, and then incorporate reduced-lignin forages into your high-performing dairy diets is more than a nutritional balancing act
It doesn’t take long for a healthy calf to become a sick one. Early detection and treatment of disease can greatly improve the likelihood of success. During a hands-on workshop a
For maximum efficiency, dairy cows must receive each amino acid necessary for high milk production without oversupply of any amino acid beyond its need
The 2018 National Dairy Quality Award Platinum winners represent an exemplary group of dairy producers. Not only do these herds produce some of the nation’s highest-quality milk on a daily...