Nov. 22 2016
“We don’t have any flunixin,” Emily said. “It’s on backorder. I’m sorry."“What?” I asked, not wanting to believe what she said and half hoping that I hadn’t...
Nov. 21 2016
For more than 60 years, Hoard’s Dairyman readers could rely on a good laugh facilitated by the tip of Chuck Stiles' pen
Nov. 18 2016
The chicken or the egg debate has been around for ages. But, in the field of animal care, the discussion of inflammation and its sources, or its repercussions, was presented by Barry Bradford
Hillcrest Farms
Nov. 17 2016
Our family farm has one problem in common with every other dairy farm in the U.S. We are contending with low prices for both milk and beef
Nov. 16 2016
As I shoved extra paper towels in my pocket and reached for the familiar feel of the show halter, I could not help but think, “This is it. One last lap.”
Nov. 15 2016
This past year in the dairy industry has been tough. The rollercoaster ride of this life can sometimes take a heavy toll on your view and attitude
Nov. 14 2016
One meat, two meat, “green” meat, no meat. Dr. Seuss could have written a fantastic book about the wild ride that is the development of meat alternatives
New York
Nov. 11 2016
4-H members from across the country — spanning Washington to Florida and Vermont to Mississippi competed in the 2016 North American 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest held in Louisville, Ky
social media
Nov. 9 2016
“I have no time to do this.” ”If I do this, I put a target on my back.” “I understand why it’s important, but I don’t get this stuff.”
jade grazing
Nov. 8 2016
It’s November 8. Most Americans are celebrating the long-awaited end of the political campaign season
Nov. 7 2016
I recall many cold mornings of feeding calves while growing up. On my family’s 150-cow farm, I would shiver along, wearing at least four layers of clothes, from hutch to hutch
Nov. 4 2016
At some point many of us would like to be in charge. Making decisions and having your ideas put into action. It could be as thrilling as coaching a sports team and making that crucial player sw
Nov. 3 2016
It's November in Georgia and we're starting to prepare for winter . . . even though it's still 80°F outside. Winter in Georgia is a lot different than other parts of the country
blog_Rollin Valley Farms
Nov. 2 2016
For the past year or two, the egg industry has borne the brunt of the major fury from animal rights activist organizations
Twin Brook Creamery
Nov. 1 2016
I’m sure we are all familiar with the age-old saying, “Were you born in a barn?” The original meaning of the phrase traces to an exclamation of one literally leaving the door open
Oct. 31 2016
It has long been understood that heat stress is one of the biggest management challenges across the southern United States
Oct. 28 2016
Telling the story of dairy is the goal of June dairy month, and this year, the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm got to do just that when the Wisconsin Public Television show Around the Farm Table visited
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Oct. 27 2016
As an out-of-state college student, I rarely have the opportunity to travel home. Growing up with a tight-knit family, I spent most of my days working alongside my parents and younger sisters
Oct. 26 2016
Some would say that I have been rocking the boat since childhood. And they’d be correct. At the early age of exactly 3 years 9 months, I was challenging the establishment
Oct. 25 2016
Flip through any dairy publication and you’re sure to find a number of ads promoting products that claim to improve dairy cows’ health and well-being