As the year comes to an end, many dairy farmers have or are beginning to open 2021 silage storage and finding that it’s not feeding as well as some other years despite mostly having good fiber
“We don’t have robot cows and nonrobot cows,” Cornell’s Paul Virkler said as way of introducing his comments during the November 17 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream. “Cows...
One of the leading indicators of a good milking procedure is meeting the industry standard for two-minute flow rate. This metric indicates the amount of milk letdown within the first two minutes
While supply chain woes continue across the United States, international shipping backups plague export efforts even as dairy products sold to the global market push toward 20% of all U.S. dairy sales
Ever had a cheese tea? It’s just one example of the importance of innovation of dairy products around the world according to Vikki Nicholson-West, who serves as the senior vice president
The World Forage Analysis Superbowl welcomed 343 entries in its 38th year. Announced at the winner’s luncheon on Wednesday were the top prizes for the best forages in the country
When global dairy export is discussed, the conversation often revolves around value and quality. More often than not, it is the availability of the product and its ability to meet regulatory
Because manure digesters thrive on energy rich manure, many dairies considering digester projects wonder about the operation and effectiveness of digesters run on farms that focus on feed efficiency
As with any vendor on a dairy farm, companies and organizations that help farms install and run manure digesters have to approach the challenges and opportunities presented with a common mindset
As knowledge surrounding greenhouse gas emissions continues to grow, those in agriculture have identified manure digesters as part of the solution. This technology carries a two-fold benefit of reduci
“It’s important that we recognize that people will experience sustainability in different ways. Like many other things in life, where you stand in life depends on where you sit"
As consumer focus becomes ever more focused on sustainability, dairy is presented with the challenge of sharing all the hard work the industry has already done in this space
Consumer pressure for food systems transformation has been accelerating for two primary reasons according to the National Dairy Council’s (NDC) Greg Miller
While the dairy industry has been engaged in improving environmental sustainability, projects aimed at this goal can be both costly and capital intensive
Sustainability on the farm begins with understanding and recording what happens in the business and how those activities contribute to the operation’s carbon footprint