The author and her family own and operate a 130-cow dairy and crop 1,500 acres. She also is a former associate editor at Hoard’s Dairyman.

Dec. 29 2022
“We're looking at fertilizer prices that have doubled or even tripled in the last 2-1/2 years,” shared Cornell’s Chris Wolf during the December 14, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream....
Dec. 26 2022
When it comes to forage inclusion in dairy cattle rations, producers have a myriad of options. Traditionally, alfalfa has been a staple providing fiber, protein, and plenty of quality roughage for the
Nov. 15 2022
As a dairy farmer, the phrase “we are a factory farm” is probably a phrase that no one has a desire to utter. However, during the October 12, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream, Colorado...
Oct. 27 2022
“First of all, sustainable is a pretty big word; it means a lot of different things,” Cornell’s Chris Wolf said in introduction to his answer regarding how consumers understand sustainability...
Oct. 20 2022
That’s the modern-day question millions of Americans are asking as they expand their dairy intake. In 2021, that expansion saw Americans consuming nearly 667 pounds of dairy products per person
Sept. 29 2022
“The question isn’t if exports will grow; it’s how, and what are we focused on?” Robert Chesler, United Dairymen of Arizona CEO, said as introduction to his comments on dairy exports
Sept. 26 2022
The title of this article was the lead off question during the September 14, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
Sept. 22 2022
It’s been true of domestic markets for some time, but export markets have seen a change in recent years that has caused U.S. exporters to switch gears, encouraging higher value products
Sept. 1 2022
World Dairy Expo’s in-ring announcing has seen much change over the years. Initially, announcers were seated near the ring, where they could readily read and identify back tags of winning animals...
Aug. 15 2022
“I'm really, really mindful that the rear window on the economist automobile is pretty much crystal clear,” shared Cornell’s Andy Novakovic
Aug. 1 2022
For New York dairy farmer Skip Hardie, the last several years can be summed up in one statement. “Our farm went through financial hell for the last six-plus years as I'm sure a lot of your listener
July 25 2022
Almost every segment of the U.S. economy has felt the impact of inflation, and dairy is no exception. During the July 20, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream, CoBank’s Tanner Ehmke outlin
July 4 2022
While not imminent, some dairy industry specialists have asked the question, “What would milk marketing look like without federal order pricing?”
June 27 2022
Federal Milk Marketing Orders have been in place for over eight decades, and while they have seen modest updates, many industry experts think more change is ahead
June 20 2022
As the industry begins to address updates to the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, opinions are flooding in from a number of sources
June 2 2022
Port slowdowns in Asia have given U.S. ports a brief reprieve from the flood of shipping vessels and containers that they struggled to offload during the winter and spring months
May 23 2022
Despite the challenges surrounding exports in 2021, U.S. dairy farmers and processors hit a record $7.75 billion in sales. While that should be celebrated, the U.S.’s main competitors
May 19 2022
When COVID-19 hit in early 2020, unemployment rates across the United States were low. While the initial wave of the disease caused a number of layoffs and furloughs
May 5 2022
In the past 12 months, the Consumer Price Index has shown an 8.5% price jump in all retail items. For food specifically, that number is higher at 8.8%
May 2 2022
Dairy faces a number of challenges as the rest of the year develops. While that is true, every other food commodity market has similar struggles. Take for example oils that are used to make margarine