Port slowdowns in Asia have given U.S. ports a brief reprieve from the flood of shipping vessels and containers that they struggled to offload during the winter and spring months
Despite the challenges surrounding exports in 2021, U.S. dairy farmers and processors hit a record $7.75 billion in sales. While that should be celebrated, the U.S.’s main competitors
When COVID-19 hit in early 2020, unemployment rates across the United States were low. While the initial wave of the disease caused a number of layoffs and furloughs
Dairy faces a number of challenges as the rest of the year develops. While that is true, every other food commodity market has similar struggles. Take for example oils that are used to make margarine
Many dairies across the country are still feeding contracted or stored-on-farm feeds and forages. It’s a blessing given the upheaval in feed markets in the past months
Most dairy farmers know that the United States Dairy Export Council (USDEC) has played an important role in expanding trade from nearly negligible levels at its creation in 1995 to 2021’s 17%-plus
From fast food restaurants to Michelin rated restaurants, who makes the decision on what food goes on the menu? Of course, the answer is chefs and culinary specialists
While rising milk component levels have many contributing factors, it appears this year’s corn silage will likely help producers further optimize fat and protein in milk
Like any forage, alfalfa production carries its unique challenges from seeding to feeding. Specifically, when discussing the quality necessary to provide good nutrition to high-producing dairy cows
As the year comes to an end, many dairy farmers have or are beginning to open 2021 silage storage and finding that it’s not feeding as well as some other years despite mostly having good fiber
“We don’t have robot cows and nonrobot cows,” Cornell’s Paul Virkler said as way of introducing his comments during the November 17 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream. “Cows...
One of the leading indicators of a good milking procedure is meeting the industry standard for two-minute flow rate. This metric indicates the amount of milk letdown within the first two minutes