With the aid of finger paints, Stephanie Arndt and Pandora the Painted Cow are making dairy approachable for youth. Children and adults alike in central New York are learning where their favorite dairy...
Brand new food products face stiff competition and must earn a spot on store shelves and in consumers' grocery carts. In 2014, the dairy industry met that challenge and had some of the best-performing...
Due to very favorable margins throughout the U.S. last year, dairy farmers were able to prepay many expenses at year's end for 2015. That situation may have given dairy producers a false sense of security...
Organic dairy products posted another year of growing sales in the United States in 2014. According to the Organic Trade Association's (OTA) latest survey, organic dairy sales topped $5.46 billion last...
In order to perform at their optimum, cows need consistency at the feedbunk. If our mixing routine and equipment aren't in sync, we're unable to deliver what they need. "There are 10 factors in the TMR...
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is no new kid on the block, but its presence on dairy farms seems to be growing. Ron Erskine, D.V.M., from Michigan State University, kicked off the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference...
Americans are now eating more meals in restaurants than at home. That is a historical first, according to U.S. Department of Commerce data that has been officially tracked since 1992
Prompt and proper care during this critical period in a cow's annual life cycle can be considered the foundation on which a cow builds a profitable lactation and provides a healthy replacement
Handy Hint: May 25, 2015 Save hats from washing machine wear and tear (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id...
If you are a dairy farmer, Domino's should matter to you. As one of the top-performing company stocks in the Fortune 100, Domino's is also among the biggest users of cheese . . . as 25 percent of all...
This would be an excellent idea, as outlined in "Number of digesters to triple by 2025." However, to make it work, those who want to reach the digester goal would be well served to talk with the 244 people...
A product dubbed "Pocket Milk" is one South Korean company's solution to providing children with the essential nutrients found in milk in lieu of them drinking enough fluid milk to meet the equivalent...
The recently released Food and Drug Administration (FDA) milk residue study found that only 0.78 percent of the samples tested were positive for antibiotic residues. The in-depth investigation looked at...