Many dairy farms have made great strides in reproduction. Looking through data from the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC), a 20 percent pregnancy rate would have been considered elite just a decade...
The August 2019 Hoard’s Dairyman Bull List can be downloaded. The list includes the top bulls for Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Red and Whites, Guernsey, Ayrshire, and Milking Shorthorns
Cow comfort has a huge impact on a dairy’s bottom line. Monitoring lameness and injuries helps producers identify management and facility factors that influence cow comfort, allowing them to make...
In the last several decades, cow cooling, particularly in the lactating pens, has become common on many farms. When hot comes to humid and milk production drops, it’s not hard to justify heat abatement...
Certainly, everyone close to the dairy industry has recently become aware of the latest release of undercover videos obtained by ARM (Animal Recovery Mission)
“When it comes to technologies on farms, there is no one-size-fits-all solution,” shared Mississippi State’s Amanda Stone as way of introducing her presentation at the American Dairy...
We are in full swing corn silage harvesting mode here at Hillcrest Farms. Last week temperatures rose to 100°F and higher and the humidity was right there with it
After a bitter public battle that even saw one side place billboard messages on major roadways in California’s Central Valley, it appears cooler heads will prevail
Sometimes questions catch you off guard, and this is one that surprises me every time I hear it. “Is milk a good feed for calves?” Basic biology says, yes; milk is the feed intended for calves!
Europe’s cheesemakers are not happy with Canada. That’s according to a July 17, 2019, report by Canada’s very own National Post titled: “Cheese quotas in Canada-Europe deal quietly...