The surprisingly steady land market provides emerging optimism for the dairy market. According to the data from the Federal Reserve Bank land values have held up well in 2018 across most of the central...
Several years ago, I found out that I am allergic to cow dander. It is not an intense allergy but rather a nuisance that includes itchy eyes, sneezing, a stuffy nose, and a lot of clearing my throat
Our understanding about cow comfort is continually improving. However, assessing and translating these needs to fit specific situations can be a challenge
You might be using tail paint, also known as tail chalk, in your breeding program for several reasons. “It’s cheap.” “It’s what my neighbors do.” Or maybe,...
From a business standpoint, the most money saved per heifer on a dairy farm can be saved in the weaned pens. This accounts for calves that are weaned up to when they are around 150 days...
What’s the best heat stress abatement practice? Standing? No. That’s not the correct answer, but if you watch a pen of cows that are experiencing heat stress, it sometimes appears to be their...
We’ve never been that herd with the consistently low somatic cell count (SCC). Back when quality bonuses were a thing, we rarely hit the highest bonus level even though we tried everything to bring...
I can officially say I am a college graduate. This past week, I finished my fourth and final year of college and graduated from Utah State University with a degree in agricultural communications and journalism
There are some things in life that leave a lasting impression. Moments and memories from childhood that stand out from the rest — even a simple image can return a flood of memories
Conducting a heat-focused audit this summer could let your cows tell you when they are stressed, shared Cassandra Tucker at the recent TriState Dairy Nutrition Conference
The 10-year challenge that we all really should care about is a far cry from the viral 10-year challenge (#TenYearChallenge) that has taken over social media