While some smaller dairy farms do use them, anaerobic digesters typically have the reputation of being a manure handling method strictly for larger operations. And of the 202 anaerobic digesters operating...
Blending my passions for words and cows led to one of the greatest formative experiences of my college career. In eighth grade, I developed a sudden interest in becoming a dairy farmer. I hadn't been around...
A buyer's market, at least for the time being, has returned to the crude oil price world. The complete list of reasons why is no doubt much longer, but I'll stick to a few basic ones I understand: 1. Fuel...
It could last a month or more and will be unlike anything the state's dairy industry has ever seen. California's dairy industry asked for it, and on September 22 at 9 a.m., it may get to see an example...
With the global population expected to grow by 3 billion in the next century, AgriCorps volunteers are doing their part to help train the farmers of today and the future. By Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman...
One of the most widely known animal rights groups is no stranger to using emotional appeal to win over people's minds. We've seen them all when we view websites, videos or photos posted by anti-agriculture...
We are a bigger part of that industry than ever before, and it is not likely to change anytime soon. by Dennis Halladay, Hoard's Dairyman Western Editor Earlier this month I took off my dairy hat and went...
The highest Class III milk price average in history made just about all dairy cows profitable in 2014. But in general, Jerseys did best of all. According to client income and cost of production summaries...
Protect yourself and others by making sure your implements of husbandry are road ready before you hit the streets. By Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor The roadways can be a dangerous place,...
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor Water. To thrive, agriculture needs water. And it's the ingredient that California, one of our nation's most agriculturally productive states, is most severely lacking....
Enclosed spaces can be death traps. Farmers are busy people with a long list of tasks to complete and a shortage of daylight. However, a little extra time to think through a situation could save a life....
Calculating manure's price tag Manure is no doubt a useful by-product, but one must realize the time and money it takes to get it from the cow to the field. Funding for the project was provided by a USDA-RME...
Handy Hint: July 2015 Portable vise makes work easier Sometimes I need a vise or something to hold parts that I'm working on when I am away from the workshop. Since I have an ATV bobcat with a dump box...
"If you are not on DHIA test or contributing other data such as classification or health data, you can use genomics, but submitting data is critical," Dan Weigel (who works in outcomes research at Zoetis)...
California irrigation districts sue the state water board after it demanded they stop using pre-1914 water rights. As California's drought woes worsen and tempers keep climbing, you just knew it would...
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor For cows to thrive, they need to move without impediment. The care, nutrition and environment we provide go a long way toward halting lameness in its tracks. Over an eight-year...
Farms can be dangerous places. On working farms, there's constant movement of people and equipment. And with summer, that means more activity and more people