"I understand that things (milk prices) aren't as robust as they have been. We are going through one of those cycles, and I know that there are concerns about the dairy Margin Protection Program," said...
FARM program has moved up its deadline to stop the practice by 2017. Time is running out faster than ever on the routine tail docking of dairy cows - and it can't end soon enough. The biggest step taken...
Now is the time to conduct a postmortem on your heat stress mitigation plan and evaluate potential modifications. With full bunkers and only a few remaining harvest tasks to check off the list, the warmth...
Sooner or later, "Will the farm go on after me?" is a question that most dairy producers ask themselves. The answer can be complicated, said estate attorney Dan Rupar in his seminar at this year's World...
"The comfortable cow is an illusion" Resources Resources from The comfortable cow is an illusion from page 735 of the November 2015 issue of Hoard's Dairyman. www.saputo.com/uploadedFiles/Saputo/investors-and-medias/press-releases/2015/2015-06-01_ANIMALWEFARE_PRESSRELEASE_EN_FINAL.pdf....
When your milk price falls by more than 30 percent, there is little solace in hearing that it could be worse. But, really, it could be worse. U.S. dairy producers are faring better than their New Zealand...
Partnerships aid in promoting our products.We are doing things right. The Innovation Center for Dairy recently published the 2014 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Report and details the industry's efforts. The...
Having grown up working in the dairy industry, I know firsthand how hard dairy farm families work to make cow comfort and safety a top priority. Unfortunately, animal rights groups, with the ultimate goal...
Because it would probably hurt producer prices just about everywhere else. One of the interesting aspects of USDA's public hearing that is underway in Clovis, Calif., to gather testimony on establishing...
The Central National FFA Dairy Judging Contest was held on Tuesday morning of World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis. Four classes are judged and the high school students answer questions on one of the classes
World Dairy Expo will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2016, and to celebrate this milestone, journalists have collaborated to create a historical book reminiscing on 50 years of Expo memories
The University of Minnesota captured the 95th National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest title on Monday. After scores from 12 classes and 6 sets of oral reasons, the team from the University of Minnesota...
All four Minnesota teammates received All-American honors in their first-place finish at the 2015 Lely National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest.The University of Minnesota had a good day at...
Corn silage doesn't bring protein to the table When balancing diets heavy in corn silage, don't skimp on the protein. Understanding corn's advantages and limitations enables us to maximize its nutrient...
With the dinner tent snuggled right up to the glass windows of the Hoard's Dairyman Farm's milking parlor, consumers who attended the "Wisconsin Farm to Table" culinary experience were constantly reminded...
Over Labor Day weekend, I checked milking in a tie stall barn off my bucket list. Hoard's Dairyman editors stay close to the business of dairying through involvement on their home farms and the Hoard's...
Performance evaluations identify the milking routine bottlenecks that are holding your herd back. Farms operate on pennies and seconds. The pennies saved per head after a ration reformulation can equate...
The death of two people in the same city in southeast Italy last month, attributed to extremely rare Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), is raising concern that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)...