“We place postfresh cows, 1 to 45 days in milk, into one of two groups: first-lactation only and second-lactation and greater cows,” said Dale Mattoon, a Platinum Winner
Some would say that I have been rocking the boat since childhood. And they’d be correct. At the early age of exactly 3 years 9 months, I was challenging the establishment
For the past week, I have been preparing to take a vacation. That means doing all of my regular tasks on the farm, plus making lists for my daughter and my herdsman of things I would like accomplished
When dairies find themselves with limited space, one option is to locate a new home for calves or heifers. For some farms, this means a rented facility down the road
Grand Champion Holstein, Sheeknoll Durham Arrow Sheeknoll Durham Arrow named Grand Champion of the International Holstein Show. This homebred Aged Cow is owned by the Sheehan Family of Minnesota
It takes 16 ice cream suppliers at McDonald's by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Serving a restaurant chain with 14,000 franchises from coast-to-coast in the U.S. alone is no small matter. Then consider...
Retailer talks about going BST-free. A good example of a change we made, listening to consumers, is the removal of cows treated with the rBST hormone from our milk supply," said Molly Starmann, senior...
This trifecta led to better milkout. By monitoring these big three - two minute milk flow, time in low flow, and unit on time - better milkout can be achieved while minimizing
As my daughter, Caitlin, and I have written our blogs for Hoard’s Dairyman, we have tried to emphasize the positives of being dairy farmers even though this past year has been extremely hard financially
Advanced Dairy Nutrition USB drive incorporates the material used in the University of Illinois’ online course, and is team-taught by Dave Fischer, Mike Hutjens, Jim Drackley, Jimmy Clark, Richard...
Gestation & Interval Calculator gives calf due dates; keeps tabs on intervals between services, calving to first heat, to fine-tune reproductive management