Profitability can be sliced and diced in a variety of ways to analyze how well a business is doing, what is being done well, or where there are challenges. A financial analysis system called “
Since 1988, each World Dairy Expo has had a unique theme. That theme is reflected in just about every aspect of the show, from the Purple Cow Gift Shop to media materials to the ever popular showring
For dairy producers in the northern United States, corn chopping season is nearing or has already arrived, and along with it, the difficult task of getting it cut at just the right dry matter
Few parts of California’s effort to implement a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) have been fast, easy, or uncomplicated, but one of the most important ones seems to be coming together well
When Tom and Sandy Morris created the Cattle Connection, the couple transformed advertising in for purebred cattle and dairy genetics when the couple launched the Cattle Connection
Cottage cheese was once touted as a diet food, but over time its popularity waned. Consumption peaked in the early 1970s, when per capita consumption in the United States was 5.2 pounds per person. Si
From check-in to sewing to providing leadership, volunteers are the heart blood of the show. Today, there are 128 individuals who have been honored with the title Friend of Expo. Just a few of them ar
When dairyman Hank Choate saw the “unavailable” number pop up on his cell phone screen late one Thursday afternoon in April, he assumed it was not a call he wanted to take
The end of summer is often signified in one big event for those of us in the livestock world…state fair. It is a time of fellowship and camaraderie based on the love of exhibiting our best cows
I recently flashed back to Memorial Day weekend, as that is when my social media feed from coast to coast was filled with families camping, swimming, vacationing — all in relax mode
With no family farm to call home, Adam Borchert of Tree-Hayven Holsteins started his future in the dairy industry by renting a farm in Auburndale, Wis., in 1998
Lameness can be a major health concern on many dairy farms. Not only is this an animal welfare issue, but various reports indicate that each case of lameness can cost $90 to $300
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
In agriculture, we have seen tremendous advancements in the use of technology. During his presentation at the UW-Discovery Farm’s “Soil, Water, and Big Data Field Day,” Brian Luck reminded...